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387 2007 7 中草药 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs 961 杨秀伟 ( , 100083) : , , , , , , , , , , , , : ; ; : R28:A : 0253- 2670(2007) 07- 0961- 09 Studies on chemical constituents in Chinese herbal medicine - YANG Xiu w ei ( Departme t of Natural M edici es a d the State Key Laboratory of Natural a d Biomim et ic Drugs, , , 100083, ) School of Pharm aceutical Scie ces Peki g U iversity Beiji g Chi a : ( ) Abstract T he w ord of amed Chi ese herbal medici e CHM is a compou d w ord or a expressio ( ) w hich has i cluded the combi ed mea i g of traditio al Chi ese medici al materials T CM M a d herbal medici e ( HM) . T he co tai ed e titative mea s for T CM M a d HM are far differe t i medici al use, though they are both the origi from pla ts, a imals, some mi erals, a d a few artificial biomaterials or biomimetic materials. TCM M has bee used u der the guida ce of the traditio al Chi ese medici e (T CM) theories a d has its firm cli ical fou datio , sig ifica t therapeutic effect, a d u ique system of theory based o the cli ical practice. Although the w ester moder medici e has developed promptly a d superseded the atio al a d folk medici es gradually amo g most cou tries TCM M still sta ds steadily, a d is bursti g w ith great vitality i the pharmaceutical field all over the w orld Now adays it is develop-. , i g more rapidly tha at a y other times i the


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