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136 ( Jiang su J. of Ag r. S c.i ), 2008, 24( 2) : 136~ 141 OH11 -1, 3- 朱 慧, 王云霞, 胡白石, 刘凤权 ( , 2 10095) : PCR OH 11 -1, 3-, C3N4-7-1, 3- 90% N de X hoH ind T7 pET 21a( + ) pET 30a( + ) , BL21( AI) BL2 1( DE3) BLG luA BLGluC IPTG 29 000( G luA )44 000( G luC) , G luA G luC , , , : OH 11; -1, 3-; ; : Q785 : A : 1000-4440( 2008) 02-0136-06 Cloning and Expression of -1, 3-glucanaseGene from Ly soba cter enzym o- genes Strain OH11 ZHU Hu i, WAMG Yun-x ia, HU Ba-i sh,i LIU Feng-quan (K ey Laboratory of M onitoring and M anagement of D iseases and nsec ts, M in istry of A griculture, N anjing A gricultural Un iversity, N anj ing, 210095, Ch ina) Abstract: -1, 3-glu anase is a k ind of antifungal ex ellular hydrolyti enzyme apable of inhib iting the growth and re- produ tion of fungal pathogen. Its produ tion is indu ed by b iofa tors or nonbiofa tors. -1, 3-glu anase genes w ere loned from strain OH 11 by polym erase hain rea tion( PCR). The protein oded by -1, 3-glu anase gene show ed 90% identity w ith -1, 3-glu anase produ ed by strain C3 and strain N4-7 ofLy sobacter enzymogenes. -1, 3-glu anase gene, d igested byN de, X ho orH ind, was fused toT7 promoter ve tors [ pET 21a( + ), and pET30a( + ) ]. The re omb inant plasm ids were trans- form ed into BL21( A I) and BL2 1( DE3) strains. Expressed proteins G luA ( 29 000) and G luC ( 44 000) w ere dete ted by IPTG indu ed. ProteinsG lu A and G lu C ould hydrolyze lam inarin by form ing a transparent zone on the ulturemedium w ith lam inarin. They also had bio ontrol effe t on Rhizoctonia solani by inhib iting the grow th of my elium. K e words: Ly sobacter enzym og enes strain OH 11; -1, 3-glu anase gene; loning; expression , ,


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