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ISSNN 111777TP Journal of Computer Research and Development ( 12) : 2098~ 2105, 2007 DHMC:Cube 1, 2 1 3 2 1 胡孔法 陈 赵茂先 达庆利 纪兆辉 1( 225009) 2 ( 210096) 3 ( 266510) (kfhu05@ 126com) DHMC:An Improved Parallel & Distributed Storage Structure for HighDimen sional Cube 1,2 1 3 2 1 Hu Kongfa , Chen Ling , Zhao Maoxian , Da Qingli , and Ji Zhaohui 1( Dep ar tme nt of Comp uter S cience a nd E ng ineer ing , Ya ngz hou Univ e rsity , Ya ngz hou 225009) 2 ( S ch ool of E conom ics & M a nag ement , S outhe ast Univ e rsity , N a n ing 210096) 3 ( College of I nf or m at ion S cience and E ng ineer ing , S ha ndong Un iv ersity of S c ie nce and Tech nology , Qing d ao 266510) Abstract Data cube and its precomputation have been playing an essential role in fast OLAP ( online ana d lytical processing) in many data w arehouses For the cube w ith d dimensions, it can generate 2 cuboids d and ! ( | D i | + 1) aggregate cells But in a highdimensional cube, it might not be practical to build all i= 1 these cuboids In this paper, a novel parallel and distributed storage structure is proposed for highdimen sional cube based on shell segment minicubes ( DHM C) DHM C partitions the high dimensional cube into some lowdimensional shell segment minicubes OLAP queries are computed online by dynamically con structing cuboids from these shell segment minicubes through the parallel & distributed processing system With this design, for highdimensional OLAP, the total space that needs to store such shell segment mini


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