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38 1 Vol138 No11 2 0 0 5 1 CHINA CIVIL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Jan1 2 0 0 5 项海帆 葛耀君 ( ) : , , , , , 5000m , : ; ; ; ; + : U44 1 13 : A : 1000- 131X (2005) 01-0060- 11 ON AERODYNAMIC LIMITS TO SUSPENSION BRIDGES Xiang Hafi an Ge Yaoj un (Tongji University) Abstract: Bri ge construction has entere into a new era of crossing wi er sea straits. A number of technological challenges have been presente in the feasibility stu ies of sea-strait crossing projects, in which the aero ynamic stability problem of extra long-span suspension bri ges has always been a ominant concern to the bri ge esigners. The technical feasibility an poten- tial requirement of ultra long span bri ges are iscusse , an the performances of countermeasures for raising the aero ynamic stability, inclu ing cable system mo ification, slotte eck scheme, vertical an horizontal stabilizers an other vibration control metho , are reviewe . A trial esign of a suspension bri ge with a 5000 m main span, which is estimate as a rea- sonable limit of span length for both technological an navigable consi erations, is con ucte to emonstrate the feasible solu- tion for aero ynamic an aerostatic stability. Keywords: suspension bri ge; aero ynamic limit; flutter; torsional ivergence; span length , 1 , : 8nA RaPw c L [ 2


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