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2012年报检员考试英语习题及答案解析汇总 基础英文选择题(每题1分,共10分)   1、When you deliver goods by ship,you need offer a______to clients.   A.bill of lading   B.bill of entry   C.bill of credit   D.bill of loading   答案:A   解析:本题中文意思为“当货物通过船舶运递时,须提供( )给客户”。据此可知为“提单”,正确英文为“bill of lading”。   2、The place where the goods are produced is______   A.place of origin   B.place of order   C.place of interest   D.place of issue   答案:A   解析:本题中文意思为“货物生产的地方为( )”,因此对应应当选择原产地,正确英文为“place of origin”。   3、Seattle is a city of ( ).   A、New Zealand   B、Australia   C、U.S.A   D、Germany   答案:C   解析:题目中文为“西雅图是( )的城市”,故应当填写“美国”,英文U.S.A。   4、( )can be issued by the entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities of the P.R. of China   A.B/L   B.Certificate of Origin   C.L/C   D.packing List   答案:B   解析:题目中文为“( )由中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫机构签发”,因此可知为“原产地证书”,英文“Certificate of Origin”。   5.Inchon is a port of( )   A.France   B. United Kingdom   C.Korea   D.Finland   答案:C   解析:题目中为为“仁川是( )的港口”,因此对应填写“韩国”,英文Korea。   6.“The goods are in nude.”means( ).   A.The goods are packed with wooden box   B.The goods are packed with iron box   C.No basket is used for the goods   D.No package is used for the goods   答案:D   解析:题目中文为“货物为裸装”,即没有外包装的意思。A选项,货物包装于木箱中;B选项,货物包装于铁箱中;C选项,货物没有用篮子盛装;D选项,货物没有包装,因此最符合题意的为D选项。   7、The above mentioned condition was caused ( ) the process of manufacturing.   A、in   B、of   C、to   D、for   答案:A   解析:“in the process of”固定搭配,指“在….过程中”。   8. This certificate is valid( ) six months from the date of issue.   A、in   B、of   C、to   D、for   答案:D   解析:题目中文“此证书自签发之日起有效期为6个月”,只有“for”可表示持续的一段时间。   9、The goods comply ( ) the specifications of the sales confirmation.   A、to   B、with   C、for   D、of   答案:B   解析:“comply with”固定搭配,表示“符合…、遵从…”,的意思   10、Goods will be shipped ( )30 days after receipt of the L/C.   A、to   B、for   C、on   D、within   答案:D   解析:题目中文意思“货物在收到信用证30天内装运”,因此表示时间“在…(期间)之内”,用“within”。  11.It can not be used before( )   A.inspect   B.insoected   C.being inspected   D.inspecting   答案:C   12.The goods must be ( )in s


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