几种糖水的做法(The practice of sugar water).doc

几种糖水的做法(The practice of sugar water).doc

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几种糖水的做法(The practice of sugar water)

几种糖水的做法(The practice of sugar water) Is sugar water In all kinds of sugar water, the flavor fruit often enters the dish, makes the delicious sugar water more colorful, and is beneficial to health. It is not difficult to find that many fruits and vegetables have high nutritional value, and other herbs such as north and south, sichuan, snow ear, and figs are more effective. Hot mango coconut juice black glutinous rice Mango, sweet and sour taste, vitamin C, mango acid, etc., beneficial stomach, quenching thirst, anti-nausea and anti-nausea, diuretic and other curative effect, with the size of uniform, full, color yellow white person is good; Dried mango can detoxify, eliminate and stop coughing. Hot food especially warm stomach, good qi blood, mangos sweet and delicious taste, the black glutinous rice that can protect the stomach, the black glutinous rice that can protect the stomach, the cigarette toughness, the taste is excellent. Because the mango meat is wet poison, when cooking this sugar water with mango nuclear dry boil water first, salvage after add black glutinous rice, after being boiled, then let mango flesh, then add coconut milk, so it is more healthy. Green apple stewed aloe Aloe vera has a beautifying effect, with a green apple braising system, nourishing and nourishing, invigorating qi, nourishing and nourishing the stomach, nourishing and nourishing the liver and nourishing the liver. Because of the bitter taste of aloe vera, a friend who is afraid of bitter has a little less (2-3 grams). Green apples, including carbohydrates, malic acid, citric acid, carotene, B vitamins, C. Malic acid can stabilize blood sugar, vitamin C can prevent myocarditis. Green apple has the effect of filling the heart, relieving thirst, invigorating the stomach and relieving diarrhea. In addition, apple has weight loss function, obese person eat an apple appropriately, can reduce the intake of other food, achieve reducing weight effect. Dried FIG and south apricot stewed app



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