关于纵联保护 - Bowen Publishing.PDF

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关于纵联保护 - Bowen Publishing

Jun. 2014, Volume 4, Issue 3, PP.16-20 Scientific Journal of Electrical Engineering 关于纵联保护“弱电源侧”控制字整定的讨论 1 2 3 吴金玉 ,王君安 ,杨文佳 潍坊供电公司,山东,潍坊,261021 摘 要:高压线路纵联距离、纵联零序保护普遍设计了“弱电源侧”保护控制逻辑,以解决电网故障时轻负荷线路弱电源侧保护装 置可能因无法启动,不能动作的问题。结合一次典型故障,作者简单阐述了“弱电源侧”保护控制逻辑,重点论述了投入“弱电源 侧”控制字后,如果两侧保护装置起动值不一致,可能造成非故障线路保护误动作的问题,并结合电网运行整定经验对“弱电源侧” 控制字的投退整定进行了建议。 关键词:纵联距离保护;弱电源侧;控制字整定 Discussion on the Longitudinal Protection “Weak Power Supply Side”Control Word Setting *1 2 3 Wujinyu , Wangjunan , Yangwenjia Weifang Power supply company, Weifang, China, 261021 wjy0876@163.com Abstract: The longitudinal distance protection and the longitudinal zero sequence pilot protection of high voltage transmission lines have generally adopted the protection control logic of “weak power supply side”, in order to solve the problem that the protection device of the weak power supply side of the light load could fail to start and could not act when the power failure occurs. In this paper, combined with a typical fault event, the author briefly discusses the protection control logic of “weak power supply side”, focuses on the “weak power supply side”control word setting, if the protection device starting value of both sides is not consistent, it may cause the misoperation of the non fault line. Combined with the power network operation setting experience, the author gives some suggestions about the “weak power supply side” control word setting. Keywords: Longitudinal Distance Protection; Weak Power Supply Side; Control Word Set 引言 高压电力系统普遍采用纵联距离、纵联方向保护作为线路的主保护之一,其动作原理为以超范围距离继电器、 工频变化量距离继电器或零序方向继电器作为方向比较元件,经通道交换信号后构成全线路快速跳闸的纵联保护


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