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25 1 Vol25 No1 2 0 1 0 3 HEBEI JOURNAL OF FORESTRY AND ORCHARD RESEARCH M ar. 2010 :2010) 古树名木质量评价标准体系的研究 田利颖, 陈素花, 赵 丽 ( , 050011) : , , , , : ; ; :X 173 :A A study on the quality assessment criterion for old and precious trees TIAN Liying, CHEN Suhua, ZHAO Li ( Parks and Gardens Administration fo Shij iaz huang City , Shij iazhuang 050011, China) Abstract: Old and precious trees, wit a serious s ortage in resource currently in C ina, ave special values of istory and culture. In t e present researc , we developed an assessment criterion for t eir applications in order to evaluate t e quality of old and precious trees scientifically, based on t e local practices in S ijiaz uang city. T is criterion may provide referenc es in value appraisal and damage compensation of t ese trees. ey words: old and precious trees; quality assessment; criterion system , , , 1 评价指标及测定方法 , , 11 , , , 2000 9 1 ( [ 2000] 192 ) , 2007 4 , 19 , , ( 12) , 1 Table 1 Grading standards of old and precious trees issued by , theMinistry of Construction, China , Grade Standard 300 a , , , , , , ,


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