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8 2010 4 曹操高陵的考古发现与研究 刘庆柱 (, 100710) Abs tract: Through comparing the shape, structure and scale of theNo2 tomb ofX igaoxuew ith those of the contemporary tombs in other areas, the date of theNo2 tomb ofX igaoxue should be from late asternHan dynasty toW ei and Jin dynastiesThe relics unearthed from the tomb show the more specific date should be late astern Han dynastyAccording to the inscriptions carved on the stone steles, the age of the male skull unearthed from the tomb, and the records about Cao Cao in ancient documents, the owner of the tomb m ay well be Cao Cao, and the tomb should be Gao lingM ausoleum K ey w ord s: the No2 tomb of X igaoxue; the shape and structure of tomb; capital position; Gao ling M ausoleum of Cao Cao : 考古发现的西高穴二号墓, 其墓葬形制规格明确通过与其墓葬形制规格相近的东 汉晚期 北定县北陵头M32徐州土山东汉墓山东济宁普育小学汉墓和三国时代偃师杏园M36和 M 34安徽马鞍山朱然及其家族墓马鞍山宋山东吴墓南京上坊孙吴墓等对比研究, 西高穴二号墓 应为东汉晚期至魏晋时期高等级墓葬西高穴二号墓出土遗物研究, 又进一步推定该墓时代为东汉晚 期 通过对西高穴二号墓发现的刻铭石牌文字内容和字体时代西高穴二号墓出土男性人头骨与文献 记载的曹操去世年龄西门豹祠遗址和邺城遗址与西高穴二号墓相对分布位置出土 鲁潜墓志 与西高穴二号墓地望关系西高穴二号墓的地势和 不树不封 现象与历史文献记载中国古代帝 王陵墓与都城位置关系等六方面, 论证西高穴二号墓墓主人就是曹操, 西高穴二号墓就是 曹操高 陵 : 西高穴二号墓; 墓葬形制; 都城位置; 曹操高陵 2008 12 2009 12, , 22 195, 22 195 , , , 302, , 3, , , , , , 38, , , 36 24, ; 183 24 , , 36 4, 19~ 192, , 095 395 98, 094, 15, 7, 9 , ,


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