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促进风电消纳的需求响应与储热CHP 联合优化模型 黄培东1,詹红霞1,彭光斌1,张曦2 , 张宁2 ,龙飞2 (1、西华大学 电气与电子信息学院, 成都 610039; 2、重庆市电力公司南岸供电局,重庆 400060)CHP,combined heat and power 关键词:风电消纳;分时电价;储热;电热系统 中图分类号:TM93 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-1390(2017)00-0000-00 optimization model of promoting accommodation of wind power combining demand response and CHP with heat storage Huang Peidong1, Zhan Hongxia1, Peng Guangbin1, ZhangXi2, Zhang Ning2, LongFei2 (1.School of Electrical Information, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039, China. 2. Nan’an?Power Supply Company, Chongqing???Electric?Power?Company, Chongqing 400060, China) Abstract: Under the traditional scheduling mode, the system load capacity is insufficient and abandoned wind seriously. Firstly, with the help of regulation load capacity, the demand response can adjust user load shifting in load-peak period and reduce the abandoned wind, and then, under the guidance of demand response, control of the heat storage link of (CHP, combined heat and power)can decouple the electric heat of rigid constraints and improve the ability to load capacity. As the optimization goal of minimum system coal consumption quantity, the optimization scheduling model is constructed including demand response, thermal storage of electro-thermal, and the example takes the particle swarm algorithm to optimize. The simulation results of the example show that the methods can effectively reduce the abandoned wind, as well as can reduce the coal consumption of the system. Keywords: wind power accommodation, time-of-use electricity price, heat storage, electric heating system 0 引 言 近年来,我国风电产业蓬勃发展,蒸蒸日上。但是系统调峰能力不足与风电的反调峰特性致使风电开发与弃风问题凸显,消纳问题严重。如何有效解决风电弃风已成为制约风电持续、健康发展的关键性问题[1]。 北方冬季供暖期与风电大发期叠加致使系统安全稳定性受到威胁,风电场被迫弃风。利用负荷追踪风电出力变化,解耦供暖季热电联产机组 “以热定电”刚性约束的调度方式有望成为解决当前风电弃风问题的有效措施[2]。 为解决风电弃风的难题,电力研究者已提出相关的解决措施。文献[3]通过负荷侧采取分时电价(TOU ,time-of-use pricing)4-7]采用分时电价下投切高载能负荷、投切储电装置、大用户直购电的方式促进风电的就地消纳。为解决风电和供热机组之间的上网矛盾,文献[8-11] 跳出电力系统的范畴,提出在热电厂采用电锅炉、热泵等电制热措施解耦“以热定电”约束来解决消纳难题。文献[12]提出在热电联产机组及电供热系统处


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