
500kV电流互感器抗震性能分析 - 世界地震工程.PDF

500kV电流互感器抗震性能分析 - 世界地震工程.PDF

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500kV电流互感器抗震性能分析 - 世界地震工程

26, 1 Vo.l 26 No. 1 2010 3 W ORLD EARTHQUAKE ENGINEER ING M ar. 2010 : 1007- 6069( 2010) 01- 0219- 05 500kV 1 1 2 1 3 柳永玉, 王均梅 , 王晓琪 , 吴春风, 祝孝玲 ( 11 , 271000; 21, 3007 ; 31 , 250061) : , GB 50260 - 1996, , 500kV, , 9; , , : ; ; ; ; : P315. 9 ; TM 52 : A Seism ic p erform ance analy sis of 500 kV curren tm utual transfo rm er 1 1 2 1 3 LIU Yongyu , WANG Junmei, WANG X iaoqi, WU Chunfeng, ZHU X iaoling ( 1. Shandong Taika i Instrum entT ransform er Co. , Ltd. , Tai. an 271000, China; 2. State G rid Electric Pow er Research Institute, W uhan 3007 , China; 3. Schoo l ofE lectrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China) Abs tract: The heavy seism ic damage to the electrical equ ipment has been brought, it is necessary to study the seis- m ic performance of electrical equipm ent. Accord ing to theGB 50260- 1996 Code for seism ic design of electrical in- stallations, the basic contents and steps of seism ic response analysis for the electrical equ ipment calculation by mode decomposition and response spectrum theory are described. The seism ic performance of 500kV current trans- former is analyzed by usingmaterial strength failure criterion. The results show that the 500kV current transform er is able to satisfy the serviceability requ irement in seism ic intensity 9 regions. A ccording to the position of danger sec- tion, severalmeasures to mi prove the seism ic performance of the current transformer are put forw ard, wh ich cou ld be for reference of se


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