
Ig类别的转换和记忆性B细胞的产生 - 返回.PPT

Ig类别的转换和记忆性B细胞的产生 - 返回.PPT

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Ig类别的转换和记忆性B细胞的产生 - 返回

Response To T Cell-Dependent Antigen Response To T Cell-Independent Antigen General Rules Of Antibody Production The production of antibodies and their functions Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue 2. 特异性B细胞的活化与增殖 第一活化信号经由 Igα/β传导入胞内 Deprived from the recognition of BCR to antigen and transduced by Igα-Igβ Igα和Igβ把第一信号传递到胞内,协同受体辅助第一信号的传递。 Signaling By Coreceptors Includes CD21,CD19 and CD81 CD21 and CD19 work together to enhance signaling by the BCR-Igα\Igβ complex. CD32 provide a negative signal in activated B cells Formation Of Germinal Centers 细胞分化和成熟的机制 细胞对TD-Ag的应答特点 特点:1.需要Th的辅助 2.有Ig类别转换 3.可引起细胞免疫应答 4.可形成记忆细胞,有再次应答反应 B cell response to TI antigens ◇ B cell response to TI-1 antigens ◇ B cell response to TI-2 antigens TI-1抗原诱导的抗体应答 B cell response to TI-2 antigens ?In contrast with TI-1 antigens ,TI-2 antigens do not have polyclonal B cell activator properties, nor do they activate macrophages. These antigens are generally highly repetitive polymeric antigens such as polysaccharides from bacterial cell walls ,or polymeric protein structures such as bacterial flagella. ? 抗体介导的免疫效应 Primary And Secondary Response 超敏反应 超敏反应(hypersensitivity)是指已被抗原致敏的机体再次接触相同抗原所发生的生理功能紊乱和组织损伤。 抗原诱导机体产生抗体引起三个类型的超敏反应。 类型 反应的主要Ig 疾病举例 Ⅰ型 IgE 青霉素过敏性休克 Ⅱ型 IgG、IgM ABO血型不合的输血 Ⅲ型 IgG、IgM、IgA 类风湿性关节炎 黏膜免疫系统及其在黏膜保护中的作用机制 The main sites of entry for microbes into the body are through the epithelial surfaces containing mucosal epithelial cells.It is therefore not surprising that 50% of the lymphoid mass is associated with these surface.These are collectively called the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues(MALT). 黏膜免疫系统是机体抵抗环境病原体的首要防线,它提供了一种良好的双重防御。 1. 黏膜免疫系统的组成及功能 粘膜免疫系统称粘膜相关淋巴样组织(MALT),包括nasal-associated lymphoid tissue(鼻相关淋巴组织NALT),gut-associated lymphoid tissue(肠道相关淋巴组织GALT)以及bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue(支气管相关淋巴组织BALT)和lymphoid tissue associated with the genitourinary system (泌尿生殖系统相关淋巴组织)。 2.黏膜免


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