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动物安乐死相关 - 辅仁大学实验动物中心
輔仁大學實驗動物照護與使用委員會參考資料 實驗動物的3Rs原則?5Rs 實驗動物適用之安樂死方法及禁止使用之死亡方法 公告農委會修正之『中大型實驗動物適用之安樂死方法修正對照表』 依據行政院農業委員會101年5月22日農牧字第1010041359號函辦理。 農委會修正實驗動物使用指南第三版(擴充版)附錄七之「中大型實驗用動物適用之安樂死方法修正對照表」,請研究人員確實遵守。 適用之安樂死方法 可在全身麻醉下將動物灌流致死。 得在全身麻醉下將動物放血或採血致死。 Ether可使用於小型動物(大、小鼠等) 安樂死,但不得於動物房內使用且需經IACUC同意後才可執行。 Barbiturate類麻醉劑除豬、貓、小型哺乳動物、兩棲類及魚類可使用於腹腔注射外,其餘實驗動物均需使用於靜脈注射。Ketamine不得作為Barbiturate巴比妥鹽的替代品注射於動物安樂死。 CO2需保存於鋼瓶中而不是乾冰中。 頸椎脫臼只使用於體重200克以下之小型嚙齒類動物,建議最好先行輕度麻醉後再施行頸椎脫臼法。 關於新生仔鼠及胎兒(超過懷孕期14天以上)的安樂死:吸入性麻醉藥劑與斷頭法併用為最佳選擇或CO2後用剪刀斷頭。 Carbon dioxide for Euthanasia Advantages— (1) The rapid depressant, analgesic, and anesthetic effects of CO2 are well established. (2) Carbon dioxide is readily available and can be purchased in compressed gas cylinders. (3) Carbon dioxide is inexpensive, nonflammable, nonexplosive, and poses minimal hazard to personnel when used with properly designed equipment. (4) Carbon dioxide does not result in accumulation of tissue residues in food-producing animals. (5) Carbon dioxide euthanasia does not distort murine cholinergic markers82 or corticosterone Carbon dioxide for Euthanasia Disadvantages— (1) Because CO2 is heavier than air, incomplete filling of a chamber may permit animals to climb or raise their heads above the higher concentrations and avoid exposure. (2) Some species, such as fish and burrowing and diving mammals, may have extraordinary tolerance for CO2. (3) Reptiles and amphibians may breathe too slowly for the use of CO2. (4) Euthanasia by exposure to CO2 may take longer than euthanasia by other means.61 (5) Induction of loss of consciousness at lower concentrations ( 80%) may produce pulmonary and upper respiratory tract lesions. (6) High concentrations of CO2 may be distressful to some animals Carbon dioxide for Euthanasia Recommendations—Carbon dioxide is acceptable for euthanasia in appropriate species . Compressed CO2 gas in cylinders is the only recommended source of carbon dioxide because the inflow to the chamber can be regulate