
基于FPAA的模糊控制参数整定PID控制器的设计Design of the Tuning.PDF

基于FPAA的模糊控制参数整定PID控制器的设计Design of the Tuning.PDF

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基于FPAA的模糊控制参数整定PID控制器的设计Design of the Tuning

23 4 () Vol. 23 No. 4 2009 12 Journal ofUn i ersity of South China( Science and T echnology) Dec. 2009 : 1673- 0062( 2009) 04- 0031- 06 基于 FPAA 的模糊控制参数整定 PID控制器的设计 1, 2 1 1 王 彦 , 杨 珂 , 王 超 ( 1. , 421001; 2. , 410082) : 针对PID 控制器的增益系数难以实现最优整定的问题, 本文通过分析 糊控 制器的解析结构得到 糊控制器与 PID 控制器参数之间的解析关系, 采用常规 糊 控制器的正规化因子间接整定 PID 控制器的增益系数, 避免了建立系统的精确数学 型. 采用这种新型参数整定方法在 FPAA 开发软件AnadigmDesigner2 中完成 PID 控制器的设计并验证其性能. 仿真和实验结果表明: 基于 FPAA 设计出的 糊 PID 控 制器适应强跟踪迅速控制性能良好并且表现出很强的鲁棒性. : 糊控制; PID 控制; 正规化因子; 增益系数; FPAA : TP273 : B Design of the TuningPID ControllerUsingFuzzy ControllerParametersBased on FPAA 1, 2 1 1 WANG Yan , YANG e,WANG Chao ( 1. School of Electric Engineering, U ni ersity of South China, H engyang, Hunan 421001, China; 2. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan U ni ersity, Changsha, Hunan 410082, Ch ina) Abstract: For the problem s of the difficu lty in achie ing optmi al gain coefficien t of PID controller, this paper gets the analytic relationsh ip betw een Fuzzy controller param eters and PID controller parameters by analyzing the analytical structure of fuzzy controller. The reg- u larization factor of con entional fuzzy controller is adopted to indirectly adjust the gain co- efficient of PID controller, and it a oids establishing an accuratemathematical system mod- el. U sing th is new method, w e design and alidate the PID controller in the AnadigmDe- signer2, the softw are of FPAA. The expermi ent resu lt is presented ob iously that the fuzzy


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