
基于自抗扰控制技术的捷联罗经对准算法 - 控制与决策.PDF

基于自抗扰控制技术的捷联罗经对准算法 - 控制与决策.PDF

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基于自抗扰控制技术的捷联罗经对准算法 - 控制与决策

绗?6 鍗 绗? 鏈 鎺 鍒 涓 鍐 绛 2011 骞 9 鏈 Vol. 26 No. 9 Control and Decision Sep. 2011 鏂囩珷缂栧彿: 1001-0920 (2011) 09-1386-05 鍩轰簬鑷姉鎵版帶鍒舵妧鏈殑鎹疯仈缃楃粡瀵瑰噯绠楁硶 鍛 鐞? 鏉ㄩ箯缈? 绉︽案鍏 (瑗垮寳宸ヤ笟澶у鑷姩鍖栧闄紝瑗垮畨710129) 鎽 瑕? 鍦ㄥぇ澶卞噯瑙掓潯浠朵笅, 鐮旂┒浜嗚嚜鎶楁壈鎹疯仈缃楃粡瀵瑰噯绠楁硶. 鍩轰簬娆ф媺骞冲彴璇樊瑙掓蹇靛缓绔嬩簡閫傜敤浜庤嚜鎶楁壈鎺у埗 鐨勪簩闃舵按骞抽€氶亾鐘舵€佺┖闂存ā鍨? 浠ユ按骞抽€熷害璇樊浣滀负閲忔祴瀹炵幇姘村钩濮挎€佸鍑? 浠庣ǔ瀹氱殑姘村钩閫氶亾鎸囦护瑙掗€熷害涓彁鍙 鏂逛綅澶卞噯瑙掍俊鎭? 瀹屾垚鏂逛綅鑷鍑? 浠跨湡缁撴灉琛ㄦ槑, 璇ュ鍑嗙畻娉曞彲杈冨揩鍦板疄鐜板ぇ澶卞噯瑙掔殑鑷鍑嗕笖瀵瑰噯绮惧害涓庣粡鍏哥綏 缁忓鍑嗘硶鐩稿綋. 鍏抽敭璇岤 澶уけ鍑嗚锛涘鍑嗭紱鎹疯仈缃楃粡锛涜嚜鎶楁壈鎺у埗 涓浘鍒嗙被鍙耳 V249.32 鏂囩尞鏍囪瘑鐮? A Active disturbance rejection control technique to gyrocompass alignment of SINS ZHOU Qi, YANG Peng-xiang, QIN Yong-yuan (School of Automation锛孨orthwestern Polytechnical University 锛孹i鈥檃n 710129 锛孋hina. Correspondent 锛歓HOU Qi, E-mail 锛歾 Abstract: The problems associated with large initial misalignment angles for the so called gyrocompass alignment of strapdown inertial navigation system(SINS) is considered. In this work, the analysis of gyrocompass alignment is approached from active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) theory point of view, which is called ADRC gyrocompass alignment. Based on Euler platform error angles nonlinear error model, the two-order state space model which is applicable to ADRC for level loop alignment is developed. The level loop command rate obtained from the level velocity error is fed into transformation matrix for integration driving the level misalignment angles to zero. When the system is leveled, the level command rate for leveling the transformation matrix is in the steady state which can be used to calculate the azimuth misalignment angle. The numerical simulation results show t


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