
小鼠腹腔水液体积检测方法建立及肾阳虚模型小鼠 - 中国实验动物学报.DOC

小鼠腹腔水液体积检测方法建立及肾阳虚模型小鼠 - 中国实验动物学报.DOC

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小鼠腹腔水液体积检测方法建立及肾阳虚模型小鼠 - 中国实验动物学报

技术方法 小鼠腹腔水液体积检测方法建立及肾阳虚模型小鼠水负荷的评价 李 静,杨 勇,容 蓉 (山东中医药大学, 济南 250355) 【摘要目的方法结果0.05);自主活动明显减少(P0.05);游泳时间明显降低(P0.01),综合评价说明肾阳虚造模成功;肾阳虚模型组的腹腔水液测量体积整体表现出下降的趋势,腹水指数显著高于正常组(P0.05)。结论 该检测方法可以快速、准确的测量出小鼠腹腔水液测量体积和腹水指数的变化,可以能较客观地评价中医证候的特点,为中医证候症状描述进一步提供实验数据支持。 【关键词【中图分类号】R33【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1671-7856(201)-0000-00 Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7856.2014.002.000 Establishment of a measurement method of peritoneal fluid volume and evaluation of the water load in mouse models of kidney-yang deficiency LI Jing, YANG Yong, RONG Rong (Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250355, China) 【Abstract】 Objective To establish a measurement method of peritoneal fluid volume in mice and evaluation of the water load in mouse models of kidney-yang deficiency. [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金项目(No;山东省中医药科技项目2011-027);山东省高等学校科技计划项目(No.J10LF20)。 [作者简介] 李静(1987-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向:经方的现代研究,。 [通讯作者] 杨勇(1972-),男,副教授,研究方向:经方的现代研究,。 Methods To improve the measurement method of peritoneal fluid volume in mice based on Archimedes’ principle. Twelve normal mice were selected to evaluate the measurement stability of peritoneal fluid volume. Five normal mice were selected for study of the linear relationship of ascites detection method. Thirty SPF male Kunming mice were randomly divided into control group and kidney-yang deficiency model group. The mouse models of kidney-yang deficiency were generated by intraperitoneal injection of estradiol benzoate in a dose of 0.08 mg/10 g in the morning for consecutive 15 days. The mice of normal control group were injected the same dose of soybean oil. All mice of the both groups received intraperitoneal injection of 1 mL saline in the afternoon to make water load. Results Good effect of the measurement stability and linear relationship study was achieved. Compared with the control group, the body weight of mice


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