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2001 12 14 12 Chin J Orthop T r um , Dec 2001, Vol. 14, No. 12 727 T GF 1 1 2 3 3 石关桐 吴宇峰 沈培芝 曹月龙 ( 1 , 200021; 2 ; 3 ) ! T GF( ) , 1 1 72 , 36 , , 150mg/ kg/ d3 1 2 3 4 6 6 , , , , T GF , 1 T GF , , 1 T GF , T GF 1 1 ! Theeffect of Shangke jiegu tablet on TGF in experimental fracture healing SHI Guantong, Wu Yu 1 f eng, SHEN Peizhi, et al. Shuguang Hosp ital aff iliated to Shanghai University of T M ( Shanghai, 20002 1) Abstract! Objective T o observe the effect of Sh ngke jiegu t blet on T GF in experiment l fr c 1 ture he ling nd invest ig te t he mech nism in the cceler tion of fr cture he ling Methods 72 r bbits were divided into tre tment group ( 36) nd control group ( 36) r ndomly . T he model were est blished on r bbits r dius nd the experiment l group were fed Sh ngke jiegu t blet with the dose of 150mg/ kg/ d. The specimens w ere t ken from 6 r bbits of e ch group t 3 d ys, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 w eeks respectively fter oper tion. The im munohistochemisc l st ining nd im ge n lysis method were used to me sure the expression intensity of T GF . Results There were difference in c llus immunohistochemic l st ining betw een t he experiment l nd con 1 trol groups simult neously. The pe k of expression intensit y of T GF of the tre tment group ppe red bout 1 1 week he d of the control group with higher concentr tion. Conclusion Sh ngke jiegu t blet m y be of help


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