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BBC Learning English – Audio Programmes 频精选 About this script Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process, changes may have been made which may not be reflected here. 关于台词的备注 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改 变。 A Royal Romance, An Everyday Love Story 子婚礼与平民爱情 Chapter Five: Commitment: 承诺 Yang Li: 大家好我是杨莉欢迎收听BBC 九辑英语教学系列节目《王子婚礼和平民爱 情》。上周我们听了两对情侣同对方家人见面的经历。今天是我的第五个故事 Commitment 作出承诺。 A royal romance, an everyday love story 王子婚礼和平民爱情》from BBC Learning English. Yang Li: 威廉王子和凯特小姐在 布订婚之后接受了BBC 记者Tom Bradby 的采访。 请大家边听边思考两个问题 在威廉看来,两人长时间做朋友是不是为爱情打 下了很好的基础?第二,两人为什么不早一点订婚呢? Interview with Prince William and Kate Middleton William: Well, from my point of view, I… when I first met Kate I knew there was something very special about her, and that I knew that there was… there was possibly something that I wanted to explore there. But we ended up being friends for a while, and that j ust, sort of, was a good, sort of foundation, erm… because I do generally believe, now especially, that, erm, you know, being friends with, you know, one another is a massive advantage. Erm… and it j ust went from there, and over the years I knew things were getting better and better. Kate: Well, I think if you… when you go out with someone for quite a long time you do get to know each other very, very well. You go through the good times, you go through the bad times, you know, both personally but also within a relationship as well. And, you know, I think if you can come out of that stronger, and, erm, you know, learn, as I said, things about yourself, e


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