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第 23 卷 第 21 期 岩石力学与工程学报 23(21) :3738~3743 2004 年 11 月 Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering Nov. ,2004 降雨型滑坡预报新方法* 丁继新 尚彦军 杨志法 张路青 ( 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所工程地质力学重点实验室 北京 100029) 摘要 详细研究了三峡地区部分县市的滑坡和降雨历史资料,从滑坡与降雨量、暴雨以及降雨时间 3 个不同角度 的关系分析了降雨与降雨型滑坡的关系。在此基础上,提出了降雨因子的概念。同时,还提出了一种预报降雨型 滑坡的新方法,定量化地描述了降雨型滑坡的易发程度。按照一定的标准,对每种降雨分因子进行分级,通过多 因子叠合分析来研究降雨因子与降雨型滑坡之间的关系,并据此准确地预报滑坡的易发程度。通过将这种滑坡预 报新方法应用于三峡的万县地区,证明了它可以比较准确地确定滑坡发生的时间。这种滑坡预报方法将为根据历 史降雨和滑坡资料来预测降雨型滑坡奠定良好基础。 关健词 工程地质,降雨型滑坡,降雨因子,叠合,预报 分类号 P 642.22 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1000-6915(2004)21-3738-06 NEW METHOD OF PREDICTING RAINFALL-INDUCED LANDSLIDES Ding Jixin ,Shang Yanjun,Yang Zhifa ,Zhang Luqing (Key Laboratory of Engineering Geomechanics ,Institute of Geology and Geophysics , The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029 China) Abstract Historical data of landslides and rainfall of some counties and cities in the Three Gorges area are investigated in detail,and the relationship between rainfall and rainfall-induced landslides is analyzed from three different points of view,rainfall ,rainstorm and rainfall duration. The conception of rainfall-factor is suggested thereafter. At the same time ,a new method of predicting rainfall-induced landslides is proposed to depict the probability of rainfall-induced landslides quantitatively. Every rainfall-sub-factor is graded according to some criteria,and then the relationship between rainfall-factor and rainfall-induced landslides is studied. It is proved that this new method of landslide prediction can predict the occurrence time of landslides with higher precision through a


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