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13 4 V o l113 N o14 2008 8 JOURNAL HARB IN UN IV. SC I. TECH. A ug., 2008 于春伟, 朱东柏 ( , 15004 0) 在原有的噪声被动控制技术的基础上, 人们又发展噪声主动控制技术. 它能有效的降 低低频噪声, 但是对于 频控制效果不理想. 为此针对 频的实时性和不可控性进行分析, 设计了 一套采用电流跟踪和桥式放大电路技术的有源滤波的输出电路. 并基于M atlab 对系统进行了详细 的仿真分析. 证明了系统是可以实现的. 噪声主动控制; 桥式放大电路; 滤波器 TN713 A 1007- 2683( 2008) 04- 0079- 03 ANC the O utput C ircuit Des ign and the S im ulat ion A na lysis YU Chun-w ei, ZH U D ong-bai ( S chool of E lectrical and E lectron ic Eng ineering, H arb in U n ivers ity of Scien ce and T echnology, H arb in 150040, Ch ina) Abs tract: On the basis of p assive no ise contro l techno logy, the active noise contro l technology is developed w hich can effectively attenu ate the low-frequency no ise, but it is no t ideal for h igh-frequ ency no ise. On the ana lysis of the rea-l tmi e and uncontrollab ility of h igh-frequ ency no ise, w e designed an act ive filter output circu it adopting the bridge type am plifier circu it and current-fo llow ing techno log ies. A t last, w e m inute ly smi u lated and ana lyzed th is system on M atlab, and proved the system is realizab le. K ey w ord s: active N o ise Control; bridge type enlargem ent electric circu it; f ilter , 1 引 言 A BA B . , , , . . [ 4] , , . [ 5]


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