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2013年北京师范大学翻译硕士英语翻译基础考研真题 1.粮食安全 food security/grain security 2. 团购 group purchase/group buying 3. 山寨 copycat 4.人肉搜索human flesh search 5.水货 smuggled good 6.救火 fire fighting 7.大片 blockbuster 8.方便面 instant noodle 9.买一赠一 buy one and get one free 10. 彩票 a lottery ticket 11. 食用方法 HOW TO EAT IT (参考翻译) 12. 吉日 a lucky day/auspiciou day/a white day 13. 靶心bulls-eye 14. 暂停 pause 15. 归化 domestication 1.prize fellow 得到奖学金的学生 2.tariff barrier 关税壁垒 3.software wizard 软件天才 4.a wet hen 泼妇 5.polite society 上流社会,文雅社会 6.a counter-officer 7.soft soap 软皂,奉承 8.shallow laughter 9.Achill’ heel 致命的弱点 10. demanding work 要求高的工作 11. release a poll 公布民意测试结果 12. netizen 网民 13. economy cla 经济舱 14. child’ play 容易干的事,轻而易举的事 汉译英 在中国文化的长河中,群雄逐鹿也好,太平盛世也罢,玉的身影总是伴随着 每个朝代的兴起和没落,不论时光如何更替,人们爱赏的配饰里、吟咏的诗文里 总是少不了玉。玉在中国无数个传说中出现,带着人们赋予的种种美好。 第二段《和氏璧》的故事 玉总是隐藏在一块普通的石料中,若是没有人慧眼识珠,玉就可能永远无法 在世人面前展现自己的美了。这个故事确实十分惨烈,但也传达了玉的难得和坚 贞,卞和其实就是具有玉一样品质的人。 英译汉 Today, American are feeling the gradual and subtle effect of globalization that change the economic and strategic leadershipthat the United State ha enjoyed since World War2. A substantial portion of our work force find itself in direct competition for job with lower-wage worker around the globe, and leading-edge scientific engineering work i being accomplished in many part of the world. Thank to globalization, driven by modern communication and other advances, worker in virtually every sector nowfacecompetitor who livejustamouse-clickaway inIreland,Finland, China, India,ordozen ofothernation whose economie aregrowing.Thi ha been aptly referred to a “the Death of distance” What are the top 10actions, inpropriety order, that federalpolicy maker couldtaketoenhancethescienceandtechnologyenterprisesothat the United State can succe fully complete, prosper, and be secure in st the global community of the 21 century? What strategy, with several concrete steps, cou


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