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Study Guide 4 for Chinese English Translation —Discussion on Assignment 2 1、 Translation of Sentences Translate the following sentences into English, applying the correct verbs. Write your translations on the Answer Sheet. 1. 中美双方的谈判代表突然感到气氛紧张起来。 T1: Suddenly, the negotiators for both sides of America and China felt the atmosphere grow tense. T2: The negotiations from China and America suddenly felt the tense atmosphere. 2. 该公司被发觉企图垄断软件市场。 T1: This company was caught trying to comer the software market. T2: The company’s attempt of monopoly software market is found. 3. 如果你的地毯很贵重,不要冒险自己洗。 T1: If your rug is very expensive, don’t risk washing it by yourself. T2: It is unwise to wash your rug by yourself, if the rug is very precious. 4. 你的文章未能触及问题的实质。 T1: Your article failed to touch the root of the problem. T2: Your article has not been able to touch the key point. 5. 虽然他已满十八岁,可是父母还是不同意他呆在外面太晚。 T1: Although he has been 18 years old, his parents do not agree his staying out too late. T2: Although he has already been eighteen years old, his parents disagree him stay outside too late. 6. 萨姆开始相信事业让他牺牲了太多的自由和个人幸福, 所以他决定辞职。 T1: .Sam started to believe that his career made him lost too much freedom and personal happiness, so he decided to quite. T2: Sam decided to resign because he came to believe that his career made him lose too much freedom and happiness. 7. 她的嗓音太棒了! 我永远都不会忘记听她唱那段《卡门》的情景。 T1: Her voice is fabulous. I will never forget hearing her singing ‘Carmen’. T2: Her voice was so great that I never forgot listening to her singing the section of Carmen. 8. ――有人敲门你听见了吗? ――是的,我听见了,他敲了三下。 T1: ―Do you hear someone knocking at the door? ―Yes, I did. I heard him knock 3 times. T2: Do you hear somebody knock on your door? Yes, I do. Three times. 9. 他想象自己走进老板的办公室,对她说出自己对公司营销战略的看法。 T1: He imagined that he went into the boss’s office and expressed how he considered the marketing strategies of the company. T2: He im


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