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31 5 ( ) Vol. 31 No. 5 2003 10 Journ l of Fuzhou University( N tur l Science) Oct. 2003 : 1000- 2243( 2003) 05- 0514- 06 Web 1 2 , ( 1. , 350002; 2. , 350002) : , Web , , . . : ; ; ; Web : TP393 : A A conception- based Web information extract method 1 2 ZHONG Chun- f ng , LIN Jin- xi n ( 1. College of Inform tion Science nd Technology, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fuji n 350002, Chin ; 2. Centre of Network, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fuji n 350002, Chin ) Abstract : This p per describes sever l methods of Web inform tion se rch nd the existing problems in these methods. After th t presents conception- b sed Web inform tion extr ct method th t en bles for utom tic lly cquiring d t from Web sites nd m king them ccessible to user through d t b se query p r digm. The ppro ch c n effectively provide the desired inform tion t le st for cert in kinds of queries. Keywords: d t b se; knowledge present tion; conception dom in; Web inform tion ( WWW) , , . . WWW , . , . 1 , Web : . 1 Web , Fig. 1 Tools of different l yers extr ct inform tion from Web [ 1] . : 2003- 04- 03 : ( 1971- ) , , , . 5 , : Web # 515 #


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