氯仿法或chelex-100法提取dna - 昆明医科大学.ppt

氯仿法或chelex-100法提取dna - 昆明医科大学.ppt

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氯仿法或chelex-100法提取dna - 昆明医科大学

DNA提取和定量 The extraction and quantitative of DNA 许冰莹 教授 昆明医科大学法医学院;;毛发;the type of sample ;1. DNA的提取;The extraction of DNA specimens;; The theory of the extraction nDNA;?(1)最大程度的去除样品DNA溶液中的RNA、蛋白质(protein)、多糖(polysaccharide)和脂类分子(lipid molecules)等成分; (2)尽可能的保持提取的DNA分子的完整性; (3)减少或去除可能对酶(enzyme)有抑制作用(inhibition)的物质,如有机溶剂(organic solvent)、去污剂(decontaminant)、金属离子(metal ion)、染料(dyestuff)及其他抑制DNA分析所用酶活性的物质。 ;Commonly used extraction method;;;phenol - chloro extraction;;DNA沉淀干燥;ADVANTAGE: (1)A wide range of applications, suitable for all biological samples; (2)More effective against corruption, pollution, old samples and nails, bone and other materials; (3) DNA high purity, can be used for all DNA analysis。 ;DISADVANTAGE: The use of harmful chemical reagent, extraction process requires multiple centrifugation, may lead to more loss of DNA and may remain inhibited ingredients in the extract. ;Commonly used extraction method;;Chelex-100 extraction steps ;;注 意(attention) ;ADVANTAGE: simple and quick; Less amount of samples, suitable for extracting trace materials DNA; Extraction is always in the same tube, can reduce the loss of DNA; The degradation of DNA can be prevented by Chelex-100. ;DISADVANTAGE: (1)Inevitably some residual impurities in DNA product extraction; (2)Get after the treatment of Chelex-100 is single-stranded DNA, cannot be used for RFLP analysis.;Blood and blood stain samples;blood;Semen stain and mixed plaque samples;Other samples;2.Quantitative detection of DNA;Ethidium bromide fluorescence detection method;Analyzing DNA samples in a Classroom Lab;Ultraviolet spectrophotometric method and principle; 将提取的样本DNA溶解于0.1mol/LNaOH 液中,经分光光度计测定OD260 值,按照公式计算样本DNA的含量: 样本DNA浓度(μg/ml)=OD260×40μg/ml×稀释倍数 蛋白质最大吸光波长是280nm,同时测定样本DNA液OD260值和OD280值,计算OD260/OD280 比值,如果比值为 1.8-2.1,样本DNA比较纯;如果比值小于1.6,样本液中含有过多的蛋白质杂质。


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