裸粒水稻花序和小穗的发育进程研究 - 广东农业科学.pdf

裸粒水稻花序和小穗的发育进程研究 - 广东农业科学.pdf

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裸粒水稻花序和小穗的发育进程研究 - 广东农业科学

4 广东农业科学 2013 年第10 期 裸粒水稻花序和小穗的发育进程研究 韦若勋1,2 渊1. 遵义师范学院生命科学学院袁贵州遵义 563002 曰 2.中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化国家重点实验室袁北京 100093冤 摘要 裸粒水稻是水稻和小麦远缘杂交的产物袁 此前的研究已表明Os MA DS1基因功能的改变是其特有花部性状的主要原 因袁但目前仍对其花序和小穗的发育进程缺乏详细的认识遥通过扫描电镜观察袁发现从枝穗分化期至顶端小花内外稃分化期袁裸粒 水稻的发育仍与水稻没有明显区别袁但在其后花器官的发育上较为紊乱袁花器官确定性丧失袁从而产生额外的花器官和次级小穗遥 这些观察有助于更好地理解裸粒水稻形态变异的分子机理遥 关键词 裸粒水稻曰花序曰小穗曰发育 中图分类号 S511.01 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1004-874X渊2013冤10-0004-04 Developmental course of the inflorescence and spikelet in naked seed rice WEI Ruo-xun1,2 (1. School of Life Science, Zunyi Normal Univ ersity, Zunyi, Guizhou, 563002, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Ev olutionary Botany, Ins titute of Botany, the Chinese A cade my of Sciences , Be ij ing, 100093, China) Abstract: Naked seed rice was derived from the hybrid progeny between rice and wheat. the previous studies have shown that the functional mutations in Os MA DS1 plays a main role in floral morphological changes, but the detailed development course of the inflorescence and spikelet was still known little. Based on scanning electron microscope observation, it is shown that the development in naked seed rice is not obvious difference with rice from the differentiation stage of secondary branches in inflorescence to the differentiation stage of lemma and palea in upper floret of spikelet. In the subsequent stages, floral organs development is seriously



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