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安徽省北缘抗寒油茶选优研究 金笑龙1,肖正东 2 ,陈素传2,朱纯祥3,夏登益4,刘成兵5,傅松玲1 (1安徽农业大学,安徽 合肥230036;2安徽省林业科学研究院,安徽 合肥230031;3潜山县油茶办,安徽 安庆246300:4舒城县林业局 安徽 六安231300;5太湖县林业局,安徽 安庆 246400;) 摘 要:安徽省大别山地区是我省油茶分布的北缘地区,该地区油茶经过长期自然筛选和人为筛选,已形成特有的避寒、抗寒机制。但是低产和该地区的气候多变仍然是制约该地区油茶发展的因素。本研究在对大别山地区的舒城、潜山和太湖油茶种质资源调查的基础上,通过一系列外业调查和内业试验最终筛选出皖潜11、皖潜23两棵优良单株,平均果重分别为12.1g和24.2g,单位面积产量1.85kg/m2和2.24 kg/m2,鲜出籽率41%和42.8%,干出籽率26.2%和26.8%,干籽出仁率60.4%和63.8%,出油率40.9%和41%,单位面积产油120g/m2和160g/m2,同时具有明显的花期早和抗寒性强的特点,现已通过安徽省林业厅正式认定。这两个抗寒品种的扩繁推广,将对油茶栽培面积的扩大及安徽大别山区油茶产量的提高具有重大意义。 关键词:油茶;大别山地区;优树;抗寒;早花 Varieties Selection of Camellia Olifeifer in northern Anhui Jin xiao-long1, Xiao zheng-dong2, Chen su-chuan2, Zhu chun-xiang3, Xia deng-yi4,Liu cheng-bing5, Fu song-ling1* (1.Anhui Agriculture of University, Hefei 230036, Anhui, China; 2.Anhui Forestry Academy, Hefei 230031, Anhui, China; 3. Qianshan camellia Bureau, Anqing 246300, Anhui; 5. Shucheng country Forestry Bureau, Liuan 231300, Anhui 5. Taihu country Forestry Bureau, Anqing 246400, Anhui) Abstract: Dabie Mountain in Anhui is the northern region of camellia oil distribution .This study found that the camellia in the region has formed unique cold resistance through long term natural and artificial selection, , but the low-yield and changeful regional weather restrict the development of the regional camellia oil .Based on the field investigation , the paper selected 2 superior varieties (Wanqian 11 and Wanqian 23),. The average weight of each of them reached 12.1 g and 24.2 g respectively, and the yield per unit area reached 1.85 kg/m2 and 2.24 kg/m2. The Fresh seed rate of them reached 41% and 42.8%, desiccated seed rate reached 26.2% and 26.8%, Seed kernel rate reached 60.4% and 63.8%, oil yield reach 40.9% and 41%,oil yield per square meter reach 120 g/m2 and 160 g/m2, and they possessed the advantage of early blooming time and cold resistance . Those 2 cold tolerant varieties had passed the examine by Forestry Department od Anhui.. Keyword: Camellia Olifeifer


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