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奥巴马悼念死难矿工的讲话! 我们国家怎能容忍为工作付出生命? 奥巴马在悼念仪式上神色严峻,他的右边是每位遇难矿工的头盔。 美国总统奥巴马等人在遇难矿工哀悼仪式现场    新华网华盛顿4月10日电 美国警方10日证实,搜救队当天凌晨在西弗吉尼亚州煤矿爆炸现场又发现4具遇难者遗体,至此这场矿难死亡人数上升至29人。   西弗吉尼亚州首府查尔斯顿附近一处煤矿5日下午发生爆炸。初步搜救结果显示矿难共造成至少25人死亡,另有4人失踪。此后,救援人员为寻找4名仍然生死未卜的矿工多次下井,但每次都因安全原因撤回。   搜救队9日再次下井搜寻幸存者,至10日凌晨,4名失踪者遗体均被发现。警方说10日早晨将开始把仍在煤矿中的22具遗体运出,以便确认遇难者身份。另外7具遗体已在矿难发生不久后被运出。   最新死亡人数使这场矿难成为自1970年以来发生在美国境内伤亡情况最严重的矿难We’re here to memorialize 29 Americans:? Carl Acord.? Jason Atkins.? Christopher Bell.? Gregory Steven Brock.? Kenneth Allan Chapman.? Robert Clark.? Charles Timothy Davis.? Cory Davis.? Michael Lee Elswick.? William I. Griffith.? Steven Harrah.? Edward Dean Jones.? Richard K. Lane.?? William Roosevelt Lynch.? Nicholas Darrell McCroskey.? Joe Marcum.? Ronald Lee Maynor.?? James E. Mooney.? Adam Keith Morgan.? Rex L. Mullins.? Joshua S. Napper.? Howard D. Payne.? Dillard Earl Persinger.? Joel R. Price.? Deward Scott.? Gary Quarles.? Grover Dale Skeens.? Benny Willingham.? And Ricky Workman. ????? Nothing I, or the Vice President, or the Governor, none of the speakers here today, nothing we say can fill the hole they leave in your hearts, or the absence that they leave in your lives.? If any comfort can be found, it can, perhaps, be found by seeking the face of God -- (applause) -- who quiets our troubled minds, a God who mends our broken hearts, a God who eases our mourning souls. ??? Even as we mourn 29 lives lost, we also remember 29 lives lived.? Up at 4:30 a.m., 5:00 in the morning at the latest, they began their day, as they worked, in darkness.? In coveralls and hard-toe boots, a hardhat over their heads, they would sit quietly for their hour-long journey, five miles into a mountain, the only light the lamp on their caps, or the glow from the mantrip they rode in. ????? Day after day, they would burrow into the coal, the fruits of their labor, what so often we take for granted:? the electricity that lights up a convention center; that lights up our church or our home, our schoo


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