告诉教练你的目标二月份迎来了中国新年,迈入农历蛇年的 - 观澜湖.PDF

告诉教练你的目标二月份迎来了中国新年,迈入农历蛇年的 - 观澜湖.PDF

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告诉教练你的目标二月份迎来了中国新年,迈入农历蛇年的 - 观澜湖

电话Tel:(86 755) 2802 0888 / Ext.分机:38152 邮箱Email:golfacademy@ 地址:中国深圳龙华新区观澜湖高尔夫大道1号 Adds:No.1 Golf Avenue, LongHua New District, ShenZhen Issue 6, February 2013 二月份迎来了中国新年,迈入农 高尔夫贴示 Golf Tips: 历蛇年的学院,必将展开丰富多 告诉教练你的目标 彩的新篇章。在这里我们祝愿各 位嘉宾朋友蛇年吉祥,事事如 Tell Your Coach What you Want 意,球技高升! In golf instruction, there are two significant February is looking to be another excit- classifications of lessons; quick fixes and de- ing month at the Academies, and a fes- velopmental lessons. Before signing up for a tive one as we bring in the Year of the lesson package, be clear in your mind with Snake. We want to wish everyone a the goals you want to achieve. Once you are happy and healthy Chinese New Year; certain on what you want; whether it be a and we wish everyone the best of luck quick change to prepare you for a game with with their golf! your friends, or a long term improvement of the mechanics of your swing; communicate with your teacher your expectations. This will 在高尔夫教学当中,教练的指导方式可以分为 better prepare your coach with your expected 两大类:快速纠错和培训课程。在你购买课程 achievements, and your coach can then cre- 之前,首先要弄明白你要达到什么目标。一旦


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