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外围经济不明朗出口待注入动力 - Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance
n 外圍經濟不明朗
勢 出口待注入動力
市 Uncertainties in External Environment
Export Performance Awaits Impetus
港政府統計處發表對外商品 ccording to the external merchandise trade statistics released by
香貿易統計數字顯示,2016年4月本 the Census and Statistics Department of the Hong Kong SAR
港整體出口貨值為2,853億港元, AGovernment, the value of total exports of goods in April of
較去年同期下跌2.3%,較3月的7.0%跌幅 2016 decreased by 2.3% over a year earlier to $285.3 billion, after a
有所收窄。其中,轉口貨值為2,819億港元, year-on-year decrease of 7.0% in March. Within this total, the value of
下跌2.0%,港產品出口貨值為34億港元, re-exports decreased by 2.0% to $281.9 billion, while the value of
跌幅為19.0%。 domestic exports decreased by 19.0% to $3.4 billion.
期內,輸往亞洲的整體出口貨值下跌 Total exports to Asia as a whole in April went down by 3.8% over
按年3.8%,錄得跌幅的包括馬來西 亞 the same period in 2015. Decreases were registered in the values of total
(-21.6% )、泰國 (-7.0%)、日本 (-6.4% )、 exports to some major destinations, in particular Malaysia (-21.6%),
中國內地(-4.8%)和菲律賓(-2.7% ); Thailand (-7.0%), Japan (-6.4%), Mainland China (-4.8%) and the
輸往印度、新加坡和韓國的整體出口貨值 Philippines (-2.7%). Values of total exports to India, Singapore and Korea
則分別上升22.8%、5.0%和4.3%。除亞洲 increased by 22.8%, 5.0% and 4.3% respectively. Apart from
目的地外,輸往英國及美國的整體出口 destinations in Asia, decreases were also registered in the values of total
貨值亦分別按年下跌2.0%和1.3%,惟德國 exports to