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20 10 5 M ay 2010 3 1 2 P rec iou sM e tals V o l. 31, N o. 2 * 刘泽光, 陈登权, 李 伟, 许 昆, 罗锡明, 郭根生 (, , 650106) : 研究了一种微电子器件高温封装用 A u - In 晶型中温金基钎料合金, 钎料由 77% ~ 75% A u 和 23% ~ 25% In 质量分数)构成, 规格为 0. 03~ 0. 10 , 钎料箔带材是采用多层叠加轧制方法 制造的实验结果表明, 在保护气氛下, 500~ 520无钎剂钎焊, 钎料对镀金可伐合金和无氧铜纯 镍纯银等多种母材具有优良的漫流性和间隙填充性, 钎焊接头牢固钎料箔带材塑性高, 应用工 艺性能良好 : 复合材料; 金合金; 中温; 钎料 : TG 146. 3+ 1 : A : 1004 - 0676 2010) 02- 0041- 0 8 Research ofNewM id- temperature Solder ofAu- baseisAlloy LIU eguang, CHEN Dengquan, LIW e,i XU Kun, LUO X iming, GUO Gensheng S ino- P latinum M eta ls Co. L td. , K unm ing Institute o f P reciou s M eta ls, K unm ing, Y unnan 650106, Ch ina) Abstract: A new type eutect ic A u - In m id- tem perature solder w as investigated for m icroe lectron ic de- vice high tem pera ture packag ing technology. T he so lder com position isA u 77% ~ 75% , In 23% ~ 25% . The solder fo il strip of 0. 03~ 0. 10 w as fabricated by the mu lt i- layered com pound rolling m ethod . The expermi ental results ind icated that the so lder a lloy u sed fo r so ldering p lated go ld kovar alloy and the oxygen- free copper, the pure n icke,l the pure silver and other m any kinds of parent m etals has the fine flowability and the gap filled property at cond itions of the protect ive atmosphere and 500 ~ 520 the flux- less. The soldering jo int is re liable. T he so lder fo il strip has h igh p lasticity and the good techno log ica l property for app lication. Key words: com posite; gold a lloy; m id- tem pera


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