(MTT498—1995) CKJ系列交流真空接触器维修检验技术规范((mtt498-1995) CKJ series ac vacuum contactor maintenance test specification).doc

(MTT498—1995) CKJ系列交流真空接触器维修检验技术规范((mtt498-1995) CKJ series ac vacuum contactor maintenance test specification).doc

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(MTT498—1995) CKJ系列交流真空接触器维修检验技术规范((mtt498-1995) CKJ series ac vacuum contactor maintenance test specification)

(MTT498—1995) CKJ系列交流真空接触器维修检验技术规范((mtt498-1995) CKJ series ac vacuum contactor maintenance test specification) (MTT498-1995) the CKJ series ac vacuum contactor maintenance test technical specification. TXT fell, and then crawled up to cry ~ ~ ~! Thats the best way to show off! Is there any strength to lose weight? Im sorry to make you laugh. I can resist everything except temptation... Lao zi not only has a car, but also his own... MT/T498-1995) CKJ series ac vacuum contactor maintenance inspection specification Topic content and scope of application This standard specifies the technical requirements, testing methods and test rules of the CKJ series ac vacuum contactor in the use of maintenance inspection. This standard applies to the CCKJ series ac vacuum contactor (hereinafter referred to as contactor) This standard is not applicable to the inspection of the products of the contactor, the inspection of the factory, the type inspection and the acceptance of the goods. Other serial contactor maintenance tests are also available. Reference criteria Basic standard of GB 1497 GB 998 low voltage electrical appliance # basic test method Technical requirements 3.1 the performance requirements 3.1.1 dielectric performance working frequency tolerance: The main circuit, control circuit and auxiliary circuit of the contactor shall meet the requirements of table 1. insulation resistance: The main circuit of contactor, auxiliary circuit insulation resistance should not be less than the table 2. 3.1.2 action performance The contactor shall be able to be able to absorb reliably at at 75% ~ 110% of the rated voltage Us. When the control voltage is reduced to 60% U, the contactless contactor should not be released; The minimum contact voltage of the contactor should not be lower than 20 percent of Us under the contact wear, not less than 10% of Us. The combined voltage and the release voltage of the above mentioned above apply to the (8h working system) for



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