(心肺)听诊的体会和技巧((cardiopulmonary) auditory experience and skill).doc

(心肺)听诊的体会和技巧((cardiopulmonary) auditory experience and skill).doc

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(心肺)听诊的体会和技巧((cardiopulmonary) auditory experience and skill)

(心肺)听诊的体会和技巧((cardiopulmonary) auditory experience and skill) Cardiorespiratory experience and skill Until 1816, Laennec physician who invented the stethoscope, created the famous after indirect auscultation method, to abandon directly with ears on the patients with chest direct auscultation method, make the auscultation into a glorious era. However, due to the rapid development of modern technology, especially the wide application of echocardiography, stethoscope left out gradually, gradually abandoned auscultation technology, even become hung on physician neck ornaments like sex. People ask: is there a future for the stethoscope today? Some chest auscultation training recent survey found that medical students and young doctors level of auscultation worrisome, some scholars even called for defending the stethoscope, its not surprising. Because of the old physician s history, lack of modern diagnostic techniques and methods, combined with strict training in bed at that time, make some more difficult to auscultation skills and experience. While were still in the room, wed like to talk to a young doctor about some of the ideas, experiences and techniques that we have to listen to in the chest. The feeling in practice Although check the advanced diagnosis technology highly developed today, the accurate auscultation is sometimes brought to the diagnosis of lung disease is very valuable information and clues, an example of this is not an individual, only the author of cases, for example, is as follows: (1) a case and Ⅲ/apex area at level 6, high-profile, pansystolic, to alar conduction in patients with noise, echocardiography no abnormalities are found for the first time, later again the common echocardiographic examination, found part anterior mitral chordae tendineae fracture, a narrow beam of reflux signal along the left atrial wall, patients received confirmed. (2) patients with an expanded cardiomyopathy, both of which were given a definite first sound enhancement



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