07年4月国际经济法概论试题(April 2007 overview of international economic law).doc

07年4月国际经济法概论试题(April 2007 overview of international economic law).doc

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07年4月国际经济法概论试题(April 2007 overview of international economic law)

07年4月国际经济法概论试题(April 2007 overview of international economic law) National April 2007 introduction to international economic law A single choice (the title of 20 items, each item of 1 points, a total of 20 points) In the four option of each item listed in only one is in line with the requirements of the subject, please fill in the code in question after the brackets. The wrong choice or not, choose no points. 1.WTO the distribution of voting rights is (?) A. weighted vote system The combination of B. basic ticket and weighted ticket C. determines voting rights based on the total trade volume of each member D. one member one vote system 2., the system aimed at safeguarding the interests of developing countries is (?) A. national treatment B. most favored nation treatment C. non discriminatory treatment D. generalized preferential system 3., the origin of international economic law is () A. international treaty B. international treaties and international conventions C. international treaties, international conventions and domestic laws D. international multilateral treaties, international conventions and domestic laws 4. the usual practice of payment in international trade in goods is () A.UCP500 B. Warsaw - Oxford rules C. definition of American foreign trade D. INCOTERMS 5. in accordance with Incoterms 2000, FOB, the sellers delivery place is () A. loading port, nominated by the buyer B. port of destination C. port of shipment D. port of destination 6. in accordance with the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the international sale of goods, the seller delivers the goods at the buyers prices A. the sellers shipping behavior constitutes acceptance B. the sellers shipping behavior constitutes the selling price C. the seller must accept in writing D. the sellers delivery behavior does not constitute acceptance 7., the quantitative restrictions in foreign trade management are () A. preferential tariff B. customs supervision C. import and export quota D. foreign



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