基于局部灰度聚类的高斯分布拟合模型 - Journal of Northeastern.PDF

基于局部灰度聚类的高斯分布拟合模型 - Journal of Northeastern.PDF

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基于局部灰度聚类的高斯分布拟合模型 - Journal of Northeastern

第38卷第2期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol.38ꎬNo.2 2017年 2 月 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science) Feb. 20 17   doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-3026.2017.02.007 基于局部灰度聚类的高斯分布拟合模型 于晓升ꎬ胡  楠 (东北大学 信息科学与工程学院ꎬ辽宁沈阳  110819) 摘      要: 针对高斯分布拟合模型对初始轮廓敏感的问题ꎬ提出一个基于局部灰度聚类的高斯分布拟合模 型.新模型根据图像局部像素灰度聚类特点ꎬ采用灰度偏移场和一个分片常量函数共同拟合图像的局部灰度 均值ꎬ实现了图像全局信息和局部信息的有机结合ꎬ使轮廓可以从任意初始位置向目标边缘演化ꎬ最后收敛在 边缘上.新模型采用一种快速有效的数值方法实现ꎬ水平集函数在整个演化过程中不必重新初始化ꎬ活动轮廓 演化速度得到显著提高.实验结果表明ꎬ本文算法能够在不同的轮廓初始化情况下获得准确的分割结果. 关  键  词: 图像分割ꎻ灰度偏移场ꎻ分片常量ꎻ水平集ꎻ活动轮廓 中图分类号: TP 391      文献标志码: A      文章编号: 1005-3026(2017)02-0185-05 Gaussian Distribution Fitting Model Based on Local Intensity Clustering YUXiao ̄shengꎬHUNan (School ofInformation Science &EngineeringꎬNortheasternUniversityꎬShenyang 110819ꎬChina. Corresponding author:YU Xiao ̄shengꎬE ̄mail:yuxiaosheng@ise.neu.edu.cn) Abstract: A novel active contour model was developed for the problem that the Gaussian distribution fitting model is sensitive to a starting contour. According to the characteristics of the local intensity clusteringꎬ the bias field and a piecewise constant function were integrated to approximate the local image intensitiesꎬwhich made the objects be segmented with the starting contour being anywhere in the image. An efficient numerical schema was used for the implementation of the proposed model in order to converge rapidly and avoid re ̄initialization. Experimental results on a series of real and synthetic images demonstrate that the proposed model isrobust to the starting contour and the images with intensity inhomogeneities can be effectively segmented. Key words: image segmentationꎻbiasfieldꎻpiecewise constantꎻlevel setꎻactive contour     图像分割是图像处理领域的一个基础性研究 局部均值信息ꎬ定义了一个局部二值拟合(local 课题.活动



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