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上海停车信息化发展 The Development of Shanghai Parking Information Networking 梁华军 Huajun LIANG 上海市交通委员会 Shanghai Municipal Transport Commission March, 2016 1.Introduction  上海 Shanghai  至2015年底,常住人口 万,小客车360万辆,停车泊位需求430万个,停车泊位供 给290万个。停车需求量大,政府通过多种手段解决停车问题。停车信息服务是解决 停车问题的一个重要手段。停车信息服务需要对全市停车收费系统统一接口,通过公 共停车信息系统对分散的停车信息资源进行联网。 At the end of 2015, the resident population reached 24.15 million, the registered car ownership reached 3.6 million, and the needs of parking lots reached 4.3 million. The parking service can only provide 2.9 million parking lots. The government applied different ways to solve the problem of “parking difficulty”. The parking information service is one of the important solution. Develop the unified interface of toll collection system and interconnect the scattered parking information resource.  上海市交通委员会 Shanghai Municipal Transport Commission  上海市交通委是上海市城市交通的主管部门。在停车方面主要负责,在停车设施规划、 建设及运营管理方面的政策制定、落实及行业秩序监管等工作。the key management department of Shanghai Transportation, responsible for the work of parking infrastructure planning, policy making, policy implementation, industry order supervision, and etc. 2、Problem  全市停车信息资源缺乏整合。Lack of the integration of parking information.  缺少多样化的实时动态信息服务。Lack of the different kinds of real time information service .  缺少动态的停车信息服务,车辆开到停车场没有车位,会出现车辆巡泊情况。 Lack of the real time parking information service e.g. there will be no parking lot left when the car enter the parking zone. The car will wander for a long time.  同一区域不同的停车场使用不均衡,忙闲不均。Uneven usage of the same parking zone.  政府缺少对停车信息的有效监管手段。The government doesn’t have the effective ways to supervise t


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