社区评估Community as client Community as partner.PPT

社区评估Community as client Community as partner.PPT

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社区评估Community as client Community as partner

Community as partner Y.C.Huang 12/3/2007 社區民眾抗煞之健康重建 這時已經不再有所謂個人的命運;只有集體的命運,也就是大家所共同遭遇的黑死病和共同產生的情感。這些情感之中最為強烈的便是放逐感和被剝奪感,跟這些感覺交雜的便是那種叛逆和恐懼的感覺。(瘟疫 卡繆) 社區民眾抗煞之健康重建 針對民眾的就醫習慣調查, SARS發生之前,到大醫院、中型醫院及診所看病的民眾分別佔了17.9﹪,12.7﹪及57.9﹪;SARS發生之後,到大醫院、中型醫院及診所看病的民眾分別為9.8﹪,5.8﹪及29.8﹪,另外有53﹪民眾回答於SARS期間未去看病;不過有76.1﹪民眾回答沒有不舒服,所以沒去看病。另醫院、診所如果沒有量體溫的服務,則58.3﹪民眾不想進去看病拿藥 社區民眾抗煞之健康重建 受訪者對「防治SARS」之知識與行為:有七成三的受訪者具備「勤洗手」的基本常識,而有近六成的受訪者會配合「勤洗手」的措施;其次有56.06%的受訪者具備「戴口罩」的基本常識,而有54.22%的受訪者配合「戴口罩」的措施,有54.75%的受訪者具備「量體溫」的基本常識,而有63.44%的受訪者配合「量體溫」的措施 Sequencing of Concepts of Health/Illness Level Ⅰ ‖ ? ‖ ‖ ‖ ? ? Level Ⅳ 社區評估 Community as client Community as partner? Community as partner(client) Anderson, McFarlane Helton, 1986 community as client Anderson McFarlane 1996 community as Partner:人,家庭,團體,人口群體和社區 Community as partner(client) White, 1982: Education Engineering Enforcement The function of community 生產消費分配 社會化 控制 參與 相互支援 Warren (1972) Community as partner(client) Prevention Protection Promotion Foundations of community as partner Primary health care: Epidemiology, demography and research ecological connections An advocacy approach to ethics and community health cultural competence in partnerships with communities Primary health care Factors affecting health The eight elements of primary health care Health for all through primary health The nurse and primary health care Primary health care Is essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology universally accessible to all in the community through their full participation at an affordable cost geared towards self-reliance and self-determination (WHO,1978) The eight elements of primary health care Education for the identification and prevention/control of prevailing the health problems proper food supplies and nutrition adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation mat


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