烟台婚庆网教你做结婚预算(Yantai wedding network will teach you how to make a wedding budget).doc

烟台婚庆网教你做结婚预算(Yantai wedding network will teach you how to make a wedding budget).doc

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烟台婚庆网教你做结婚预算(Yantai wedding network will teach you how to make a wedding budget)

烟台婚庆网教你做结婚预算(Yantai wedding network will teach you how to make a wedding budget) Everyone says that getting married is burning money, how much money is prepared to prepare the wedding, and eventually finding that the more money you spend. So at the beginning of raise the wedding to marry the overall cost of a budget, and give up expenses permissible range, in preparation for every items strictly according to the budget, will be more scientific, at least wont appear at the end of the over budget a lot but I do not know wheres the money. The yantai wedding network is small to start preparing for the wedding of the new couple to start the wallet guard war, to see what needs to spend money, to combine their own situation to make a scientific budget. The engagement, Generally speaking, the engagement is a prelude to marriage, and after the engagement, the wedding ceremony will be formally carried out. Now the engagement etiquette is not as complicated as it used to be. It is usually a gift, which is what we say. Then the customs vary from place to place, where there may be six gifts or twelve gifts, or two sitting together for a meal. Now, you will not be engaged in an engagement, and relatives and friends may or may not be invited, but you will be invited to entertain guests at the wedding. Yantai family of the bride will not see it now, of course, is very heavy, and her parents dont have the money, finally will do him the closet to back, even sometimes also will add a little money to the young couple. Expenses to be prepared: engagement banquet + engagement ring (color gift) Second, the marriage room Marriage room can be called a spending, is one of the biggest man home conditions better may be ready, decorate also finished, that this step can simplify, buying new furniture and appliances even if the money is ok. Of course most of the family will choose to pay the down payment and then the small couple after the marriage loan, the house decoration and so on, the need t



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