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热力学的(thermodynamic) Introduction to the second law of thermodynamics In chapters 4 and 5, we apply the first law of thermodynamics, or the principle of energy conservation, to the closed-mouth and open systems. As has been noted repeatedly in those chapters, energy is a conserved property, and, as we know, there is no process that violates the first law of thermodynamics when it occurs. Therefore, a process must satisfy the first law of thermodynamics, which is reasonable. However, according to the interpretation here, the only thing that satisfies the first law of thermodynamics is not to make sure that this process actually happens. This is a common experience, and a cup of hot coffee in a cool room eventually cools (figure 6-1). This process satisfies the first law of thermodynamics because the energy of the loss of coffee is equal to the amount of air you get from the surrounding area. Let us now consider the reverse process (TM) °, hot coffee in a cool room more heat is due to the heat transfer from the air of the room. We all know that the process never happened. However, doing so does not violate the first law of thermodynamics, as long as the energy lost is equal to the amount of coffee obtained. As another familiar example, consider the heating through a room through a resistor (figure 6-2). Once again, the first law says that the amount of electrical energy supplied to the resistance line is equal to the energy transferred to the indoor air as heat. Now lets try to reverse this process. It would be expected that some of the heat transferred to the wires would not cause the same amount of electricity to generate power lines. Finally, consider a paddle mechanism by the quality of this fall (figure 6-3). The quality of the rotor rotation decreases, stirring up a liquid in an insulated container. Thus, a massive reduction in potential energy, and a fluid increase in internal energy, are based on the conservation of energy. However, the opposite process, improv



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