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制药专业英语 - 专业词汇
第三节 中药专业英语词汇;2. 与植物形态组织有关的术语;(2) 茎stem
芽 buds
木 wood
心材 heartwood
边材 sapwood
年轮 annual rings
假年轮 false annual rings
纹理(木材) striation (s), line (s)
辐射状排列 showing a radiate arrangement
髓 medulla
枝条 ramulus;(3)切面观 in section
折断面 fracture
横切面 transverse section
纵切面 longitudinal section
表面观 surface view
质坚硬 texture hard
质松脆 lax and fragile, short
不平坦 uneven
易折断的 easily broken
易弯曲的 flexible
角质样的 horny
粉质的 mealy
粘性的 viscous
星点 star spots ;(4) 外表external (ly + adj.)
包围, 围绕 surrounded with
基部连生 accreted at base
无柄或具短柄 sessile or short petioled
絮状毛茸 flocky hairs
脂肪光泽 fatty luster
微有光泽 somewhat lustrous
半透明的 translucent
裂缝 cracks
皱缩 wrinkles
环纹 annulations
较 relatively + adj.
近、类 sub-;(1)打碎:break to pieces
(2)洗净泥土:wash或wash clean
(5)沸水中略烫:treated with boiling water for a moment
(6) 除去杂质:eliminate foreign matter
(7)在开水中煮十分钟:boil in water for ten minutes.
(8)防曝晒:protected from exposure to strong sun light.
(9) 润透:soften (thoroughly)或moisten (thoroughly).
(10)至颜色变深:until a deep colour is produced.
(11)晾干:dry in the air
阴干:dry in the shade
晒干:dry in the sun;4. 中成药名称