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英文Email实例——交际201-06 卸任的交际Dear all,All good things must come to an end. I am leaving this company.When I look back on the past years, all the memories I have of working with youare invaluable to me. I would like to deliver my heartfelt thanks to all thathave shown me your guidance, support and assistance.Attached is my personal contact information.Keep in touch and I wish all of you a promising future!Warmly regards,Mike Pan亲爱的同事们:天下没有不散的筵席!我要离开公司了。当我回首过去这些年,与大家共事的回忆对我来说是无价的。我在这里衷心地感谢大家曾给我的指导、支持与协助。随信附上我的个人联络资料。保持联络,并祝福大家都拥有美好的未来!献上最诚挚的祝福,麦克· 潘01-07 转职的交际Dear Edward,I have recently changed my job and become a consultant in MilestoneConsultation International Co. So I have also moved to a new place near ourcompany.My new address and contact number are as follows,Address: 8F, 130, Sec 1, Fu Hsin Road, Taipei 106Telephone number: 886-2-2730-8888I hope to keep in touch with you.With my best wishes,Kate亲爱的爱德华先生:我最近刚换了份新工作,进入了里石国际管理咨询公司当咨询顾问。所以我也把家搬到了公司附近。下面是我的新地址和电话号码:地址:106台北市复兴路一段130号8楼电话:886-2-2730-8888希望今后保持联络并多多关照。献上最美好的祝福,凯特01-08 返回工作岗位的交际Dear John,I hope this letter finds you well.I just want to let you know that I have recovered from my recent appendicitis. Now I have come back to work again.I look forwardto working with you again and hearing from you soon.Thank you very much for your consolation.Yours truly,Ken亲爱的约翰:收信愉快。我只是想告诉你,我的盲肠炎已经痊愈,并且已经再次回到工作岗位上了。期待再次与你共事,也期盼你尽快与我联系。非常感谢你的慰问。肯恩谨上01-09 赞扬同事的交际Dear Kevin,First of all, congratulations on meeting and exceeding our goals forschool instrument sales in October!You worked on arranging for a trade-in for a completely new set ofinstruments and helped make October a month to remember.I hope you will put the bonus check to good use, and continue to bring newideas to the sales department.Sincerely yours,John Diamond亲爱的凯文:首先,恭喜你达到并超过了十月份的学校乐器销售目标!你以旧换新的点子使得十月份成为了值得纪念的月份。我希望您能好好利用这笔奖金,并且继续为我们销售部提供新的点子。约翰· 戴尔蒙谨上01-10 佳节问候的交际Dear Mr. Smith,Holiday greetings and best wishes for the New Year!May you and all your family membe


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