基于遗传算法的直齿圆柱齿轮修形优化减振 - Journal of Northeastern.PDF

基于遗传算法的直齿圆柱齿轮修形优化减振 - Journal of Northeastern.PDF

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基于遗传算法的直齿圆柱齿轮修形优化减振 - Journal of Northeastern

第3 1 卷第6期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) V ol31, No. 6 2 0 10 年 6 月 Journal of Nort heastern U n vers ty( N atural Sc ence) Jun. 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 袁 哲 , 孙志礼 , 王 丹, 陈聪慧 ( 1. , 110004; 2. , 1100 15) : , , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; ; : TH 113 : A : 1005- 3026( 20 10) 06- 0873- 04 GA-based Optimum Profile Modification of Spur Gears for Vibration Damping 1 1 1 2 Y UA N Zhe , S UN Zhi-l i , WA N G Dan , CH EN Cong-hui ( 1. Schoo l of M echan cal Eng neer ng Automat on, No rtheastern U n v ers ty, Shenyang 110004 , Ch na; 2. Shenyang Aero Eng ne R esearch Inst tute, Shenyang 1100 15 , Ch na. Cor respondent : YU AN Zhe, E- ma l: yuanzhe 18 @ s na. com) Abstract: T o det erm ne t he parameters of gear prof le mod f cat on accurat ely, the ef fect of transm ss on error on gear v brat on w as analyzed t o s mulate the mesh ng process of a pa r of gears v a FEM . W th t he GA ( genet c algor t hm) ntroduced nt o t he process to reduce t he f luctuat on of transm ss on error, the prof le mod f cat on paramet ers of spur gears w ere des gned opt mally and accurately. T he result s show ed that the gear prof le mod f cat on paramet ers t hus g ven are so accurat e and eff c ent t hat t he mpact on gear mesh ng can be avo ded w th t he dynam c fluct uat on of transm ss on error of spur gears decreased great ly. A new w ay to the R D and des gn of no seless gears s t hus proposed. Key words: gear; v brat on; prof le mod f cat on ; genet c algor t hm ; t ransm ss on error ,



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