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42 9 V o l. 42 N o. 9 2 0 0 9 9 CH INA CIV IL ENGINEER ING JOURNAL Sep. 2009 金晓勤 邵旭东 ( , 410082) : , , , , , , , , ; , , , , , : ; ; ; ; : U 448. 29 : A : 100013 1X ( 2009) A study of fully jointless bridgeapproac system w it sem iintegral abutment J in X iaoqin Shao X udong (H unan Un ive sity, Changsha 4 10082, Ch ina) Abstract: Convent iona l integ al ( o sem iinteg a l) b idges do no t invo lve deck jo ints, w hich ove com e the d ifficu lties elated to b idge deck jo ints. T he joints fo dea ling w ith deck the m a lm ovem ents a e shifted aw ay f om the b idge deck ends to the st uctu e/ oad inte face at the ends of the app oach slabs. T he efo e, the pavem ent expansion jo int o pavem ent p essu e e lief jo int still needs egu la m a intenance and m ay eventually cause loca l failu e o bum p. To so lve such p oblem s, a spec ia l fu lly jo intless b idgeapp oach system w ith no expansion joint on the b idge deck and the app oach pavem ent is deve loped. Successful applications fo et ofit sem iinteg al b idges in the past th ee yea s have p oven the effectiveness of the jo in tless app oach pavem en.t T heo etical ana lysis, expe mi ent and design of app oach pavem ent e info cem ent a e also p esen ted. Keywords: fully jo intless b idgeapp oach system; sem iinteg al abutm en;t app oach pavem ent; ein fo cing design; b idge m on ito ing Em ail: Jxq_b idge@ hnu. cn , 1( b) : , ,


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