基层人大代表履职现状_问题及对策(Present situation and Countermeasures of _ grassroots peoples Congress).docVIP

基层人大代表履职现状_问题及对策(Present situation and Countermeasures of _ grassroots peoples Congress).doc

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基层人大代表履职现状_问题及对策(Present situation and Countermeasures of _ grassroots peoples Congress)

基层人大代表履职现状_问题及对策(Present situation and Countermeasures of _ grassroots peoples Congress) The governments legal system, the theoretical garden area in 2009 and the peoples Congress system are the fundamental political systems of our country, and the implementation of this system depends on the performance of deputies duties at all levels by deputies to the peoples congresses at various levels. County and township level two grass-roots deputies accounted for more than 90% of the total number of Representatives, their performance of duties reflects the implementation of the National Peoples Congress system to a great extent, embodies the peoples realization of the masters by the demands of Representatives, so it is the focus of research. The author uses the random sampling method to select two county of Shanxi Province, a total of 40 grass-roots deputies, understand the performance status of representatives through the questionnaire survey, find out the existing problems and reasons, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures. First, the performance of the grass-roots deputies to the peoples Congress (1) from the election situation, on behalf of good subjective will. Survey shows that the elected representatives were good, at least from the representative itself, they engaged in work on behalf of, and consider how to carry out the work; from the representative at or above the county level shall honor, on behalf of the elite really belongs to the voters. Subjectively speaking, there is no subjective obstacle to the performance of the grass-roots peoples Congress deputies. (two) the lack of relevant knowledge during the Congress led to limited representation. Investigation shows, perform the relevant duties at the National Peoples Congress on behalf of the extreme lack of knowledge during the period, leading representatives during the meeting of the performance has become an empty word. Therefore, on behalf of itself, there is an urgent need to increase the abili



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