
2016年4期中英文摘要及参考文献 - 上海交通大学.doc

2016年4期中英文摘要及参考文献 - 上海交通大学.doc

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2016年4期中英文摘要及参考文献 - 上海交通大学

时间策略下零担货物运输合作费用分配机制 曾银莲1,李军2 (1. 香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理系,沙田香港;2. 西南交通大学经济管理学院,成都 610031) 【摘要】分别讨论了完全信息情况下和不完全信息情况下基于时间策略的零担运输合作费用分配问题。针对完全信息情况下的费用分配,建立了相应的合作博弈模型,讨论了核心的非空性,并设计了属于核心中的费用分配方案。而对于不完全信息情况下的费用分配,利用机制设计理论设计了满足激励相容性、个体理性以及近似预算平衡性的费用分配机制。最后,通过仿真分析了合作带来的成本节约以及不完全信息情况下所提出的费用分配机制的效率。 关键词:零担运输;合作博弈;费用分配;完全信息;不完全信息 Cost Allocation Mechanisms for Time-based Collaboration of Less-than-truckload Freight Transportation ZENG Yinlian1,LI Jun2 (1. The Chinese University of Hong KongSystems Engineering and Engineering Management, Shatin, Hong Kong, China; 2. School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China) 【Abstract】cost allocation problems for time-based collaboration of less-than-truckload freight transportation with both complete information and incomplete information are studied. For cost allocation problem with compete information, we employ cooperative game theory and show the existence of non-empty core and propose a cost allocation in the core. For cost allocation problem with incomplete information, we apply mechanism design theory and design a cost allocation mechanism which satisfies incentive compatibility, individual rationality, and approximate budget balance. We also conduct a simulation study and analyze cost savings brought by collaboration and the efficiency of the proposed cost allocation mechanisms with incomplete information. Key words: less-than-truckload transportation; cost allocation; mechanism design; cooperative game 参考文献: Bookbinder J H, Higginson J K. Probabilistic modeling of freight consolidation by private carriage[J]. Transportation Research Part E, 2002, 38:305-318. Cetinkaya S, Bookbinder J H. Stochastic models for the dispatch of consolidated shipments[J]. Transportation Research Part B, 2003, 37:747-768. Higginson J K, Bookbinder J H. Markovian decision processes in shipment consolidation[J]. Transportation Science, 1995, 29(3): 242-255. Ulku M A. Dare to care: Shipment consolidation reduce not only c


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