
东北羊草草原主要植物群落土壤过氧化氢酶活性的研究3 - 应用生态学报.pdf

东北羊草草原主要植物群落土壤过氧化氢酶活性的研究3 - 应用生态学报.pdf

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东北羊草草原主要植物群落土壤过氧化氢酶活性的研究3 - 应用生态学报

应 用 生 态 学 报  2002 年 6 月  第 13 卷  第 6 期                                CHIN ESE J OU RNAL OF A PPL IED ECOL O GY ,J un . 2002 ,13 (6) ∶675~679 东北羊草草原主要植物群落土壤过氧化 氢酶活性的研究 (东北师范大学草地研究所 ,长春 130024) 鲁  萍  郭继勋  朱  丽   【摘要】 东北羊草草原 3 种植物群落土壤过氧化氢酶活性的季节变化曲线基本都呈抛物线型 ,虎尾草群 落季节变化幅度比羊草群落和碱茅群落大 ,造成这种现象的原因可能是“种子效应”. 对不同土层深度过氧 化氢酶活性与环境因子的相关分析表明 ,土壤过氧化氢酶活性随着土层的加深而递减 ,并与降雨量和大气 温度有较强的相关性 ,且受土壤温度和土壤含水量的协同作用 ;此外 ,土壤过氧化氢酶活性与地上植被明 显相关 ,可以反映出植物群落的生长状态. 关键词  羊草草原  土壤  过氧化氢酶活性  环境因子 文章编号  100 1 - 9332 (2002) 06 - 0675 - 05  中图分类号  Q 142 2  文献标识码  A Soil catalase activity of main plant communities in L eymus chinensis grassland in northeast China. L U Ping , GUO J ixun and ZHU Li ( I ns tit ute of Grasslan d S cience , N ort heas t N orm al University , Changchun 130024) . Chin . J . A pp l . Ecol . ,2002 ,13 (6) :675~679 . The seasonal dynamics of soil catalase activity of t hree different plant s communities in L ey m us chinensis grassland in nort heast China were in a p arabolas shap e . The seasonal variation of Chloris v i rg ata community was greater t han t hose of L ey m us chinensis community and Puccinellia ten uif lora community , and “seed effect ” might be t he main reason . The correlation between t he activity of soil catalase in different soil layers and environmental factors were analyzed . The result s showed t hat t he activity of soil catalase was decreased gradually wit h dept h of soil layer . The activity of soil catalase was closely correlated wit h rainfall and air temp erature , and it was affected by soil temp erature , soil moisture , and t heir interactions. The correlation between t



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