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2007 2 9 World Journal of Integrated T raditional and Western M edicine 2007, Vol1 2, No1 9 # 520 # 司富春 , 450004 [ ] : 对 1987 年6 月至2007 年6 月中国期刊全文数据库( CN KI) 收录的中医诊治失眠文献, 通过频 度分析总结证 和方药特点, 以探讨失眠中医辨证论治规律: 对所选文献进行证 方剂统计及药物 整理分析, 并总结归类, 观察各药物证 引用频次及所占比例: 失眠证 45 个, 痰火扰神心脾气血 虚肝郁气滞阴虚火旺肝火炽盛和心肾不交为常见证 , 占57. 1 %; 证候病位主要在心和肝, 虚证实证病 机比例相同共得方剂 104 首, 补益剂安神剂清热剂和解剂祛痰剂和理血剂共占80. %, 疏肝解郁方 和活血祛瘀方居常用方之列用药206 味, 按功能归为4 1类, 进 一步合并为17 大类, 补虚安神和清热类药 物使用频次占57. 0% , 补虚药为第一位, 主要是补气补血和补阴药, 清热药次之, 其他泻实之药也较常用, 安神药酸枣仁使用频次位于所有用药之首: 中医诊治失眠证 特点和方药规律的分析可为目前失眠 辨证论治提供参考依据对失眠要从多方面进行辨证, 尤其应注意心肝虚实并重; 对失眠施治在运用补 益安神和清热剂的同时, 特别要重视疏肝解郁和活血祛瘀方的选用 [ ] 失眠; 中医; 证 分析; 方药分析 [ ] R256. 2 [ ] A [ ] 167 -661 ( 2007) 09-0520-04 Analy sis on Syndromes of Insomnia and TCM Prescript ions Si Fuchun Laboratory of Molecular Biology of T CM, H enan College of T CM, Zhengzhou Henan 450004 [Abstract] Objective:To probe the regulationof TCM treatment for insomniathroughanalysis on frequency of its syndrome patterns and characteristics of prescriptions collected in CNKI from June 1987 to June 2007. Methods:The patterns of insomnia syndromes and medicines used in prescriptions were summari ed and classified to observe the frequency of syndrome appeared and medicines used and their occupying percentage. Results: Of the 45 syndromes of insomnia, phlegm fire disturbing the mind, qi and blood def-i ciency of heart and spleen, liver qi stagnation, yin deficiency with fire, liver fire hyperactivity, and disha-r mony between heart and kidney were common syndromes, occupying 57. 1 %. The location of disease was mainly inthe heart and liver.The ratio of deficiency and excess syndromeswere the same. Of the 104 prescriptions used, the tonic, calming the mind, heatOclearing, mediating, apophlegmatic, and regulating blood recipes occupied 80. %, and those functioned to soothe liver an



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