
我国大学生就业城市选择意愿及其影响因素分析 - 复旦学报.pdf

我国大学生就业城市选择意愿及其影响因素分析 - 复旦学报.pdf

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我国大学生就业城市选择意愿及其影响因素分析 - 复旦学报

人文地理 2015年第2期总第142期 文章编号:1003-2398(2015)02-0037-06 DOI:10.13959/j.issn. 1003-2398.2015.02.006 我国大学生就业城市选择意愿及其影响因素分析 何仲禹,翟国方 (南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,南京210093 ) EMPLOYMENTEMPLOYMENT LOCATIONLOCATION CHOICECHOICE OFOF CHINESECHINESE COLLEGECOLLEGE STUDENTSSTUDENTS ANDAND ITSITS DETERMINANTSDETERMINANTS HE Zhong-yu, ZHAI Guo-fang (SchoolofArchitectureandUrbanPlanning,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China) Abstract:Abstract: This paper divides Chinese cities into 5 categories: the 1st tier includes 4 cities as Beijing, Shang- hai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou; the 2nd tier includes the other provincial cities, sub- provincial cities and province capitals; the 3rd tier is defined as big cities with a population more than 1 million; the 4th tier is me- dium and small sized cities and rural areas are defined as the 5th tier. The paper analyzes the employment lo- cation choice preference of college students among the 5 region tiers and its determinants, using individual survey data from more than 1600 college students from 10 universities which are located in 7 cities across the country. A migration pattern, which is a one-way bottom-up flow from lower tier regions to higher tier re- gions, is revealed by the data analysis. A multinomial logit model shows that students divide the labor mar- ket region dichotomously based on their original cities. This empirical result supports the dual labor market theory from a spatial perspective. This indicates that Chinese college graduates are domestic and economic well-being oriented in terms of employment migration, which is in line with the assumption of economic op- portunity t



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