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说明书,英文 篇一:打印机产品说明书(英文版) 篇二:1英语说明书翻译 目前,我国的产品说明书的翻译有许多不尽如人意的地方,概括起来,是由于不懂英语说明书的句型和选词不当所致。以下,我们就来讨论一下说明书的句型和选词问题。 一、产品说明书的若干句型 句型是语言结构的要素。无论英译汉还是汉译英都离不开句型。学习、掌握和使用句型是翻译工作者的必由之路。现将英文产品说明书的若干常见句型说明如下: 1.(情态动词)be+形容词(或过去分词)+目的状语 这种句型用语文章开头,说明该产品是做什么用的,例如: 1) 本冲床主要用于冲孔、落料、弯曲、浅拉伸、剪切等冷冲工艺。 This press is mainly suitable for cold working operations, such as punching, blanking, bending, shallow drawing, cutting and so on. 2) 该产品用于温度225℃以下的热水管或蒸汽管道上。 1 This product can be used in hot water or steam line with the temperature limited to 225℃. 类似常见的类型还有: ... is used for... ... is used to ... ... is used as... ... is designed to... ... is suitable to be used in... available for (to)... ...may be applicable to... ...may be used to... ...can be used as... ...can be designed as... adapted for (to)... 2 designed to as to... capable of... 2.(情态动词)+be+介词短语 情态动词should,can,may+be+介词短语,这种句型用于说明物体的特征、状态和范围,以及计量单位等。如: 1) CYJ15-18-18型抽油机的结构紧凑。 The type CYJ15-18-18 oil pumping machine is of simple and compact structure. 2)风机用联轴器连接时,请注意电动机与主轴同心度,以免产生振动或引起轴承发热等情况。 When the blower is driven in mode “D”, the motor shaft and main shaft should be in correct alignment so as to avoid vibration and bearing heating.(原说明书把联轴器传动,叫“D”式传动)形容词+介词短语 3 1)该机器操作时安全可靠,便于维修,能在恶劣条件下工作。 It is reliable in usage, convenient in maintenance and able to work under very bad conditions. 2)电机皮带轮上备有锥套,便于安装和拆卸。 Motor pulley is provided with taper sleeve so as to be easy in installing and dismounting it. 4.现在分词+名词 这种句型用于说明维修或操作程序及说明有关技术要求。如: 1)工作时请注意不要经常把脚放在踏板上,以免不慎踏动,引起事故。 When operating, don’t put your foot on the pedal switch board constantly, so as not to accidently step on the switch, causing accident. 2)浅拉伸时,要注意材料的清洁,并加油润滑。 4 When doing shallow drawings, care must be taken to ensure cleanness of the sheet and it is well lubricated. 3)绝对禁止同时冲剪两块板材。 Simultaneously cutting two pieces of sheet is strictly forbidden. 5.名词+过去分词(或形容词) 故障


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