and strange surprising adventures of robinson crusoe, of york, mariner o f(和奇怪的令人惊讶的冒险《鲁宾逊漂流记》,纽约,水手o f).pdf

and strange surprising adventures of robinson crusoe, of york, mariner o f(和奇怪的令人惊讶的冒险《鲁宾逊漂流记》,纽约,水手o f).pdf

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and strange surprising adventures of robinson crusoe, of york, mariner o f(和奇怪的令人惊讶的冒险《鲁宾逊漂流记》,纽约,水手o f)

Th e Language(s ) o f Hierarchy in Danie l Defoe s Robinson Crusoe SANDRO JUN G A n g u s Ross , in th e introductio n t o hi s editio n o f Danie l Defoe s The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner o f 1 7 1 9 , note s tha t Crusoe sets out t o subdu e his new environment , to construct in his tropical island a standar d o f living [...] equivalent to life in his native England . H e masters the new environment t o produc e the norm he is accustome d t o (Ros s 1985: 17) . M o s t m o d e r n studie s o f D e f o e focu s o n th e stud y o f th e representatio n o f ideolog y i n hi s writings . I n tha t sense , Maximilia n E . N o v a k , Defoe s m o s t tecen t biographer , identifie s th e variet y o f m o d e r n approache s t o Robinson Crusoe a s thos e tha t highligh t th e meaning s o f th e text a s e c o n o m i c parable , a spiritua l autobiography , a n adventur e story , a n d a fabl e illustratin g h u m a n development ( N o v a k 2 0 0 1 : 5 3 6 ) . T h e a i m o f thi s paper , however , wil l b e t o conside r th e particula r functio n tha t D e f o e assign s t o languag e whe n h e use s a discours e tha t is no t explicitl y politica l o r societa l bu t whic h nevertheles s c



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