
完整的CAD快捷键大全(The complete CAD shortcut key book).doc

完整的CAD快捷键大全(The complete CAD shortcut key book).doc

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完整的CAD快捷键大全(The complete CAD shortcut key book)

完整的CAD快捷键大全(The complete CAD shortcut key book) Very complete CAD shortcut keys Daquan A arc L straight line C round I insert block B create block H pattern fill D callout style manager E delete F fillet G group M Mobile O offset P translation S stretch L straight line W external block V View dialog box X decomposition Z display zoom T multiline text Co replication MI mirror AR array RO rotation SC proportion LE lead manager EX extension TR trim ST text style manager DT single line text PO single point XL reference line ML multiline PL polyline POL polygon REC rectangle SPL spline curve EL ellipse CH characteristics CHA chamfer BR interrupts DI query distance AREA area ID point coordinate MA characteristic matching MASSPROP quality characteristics LS list display TIME time SETTVAR sets variables LA layer COLOR color LT linetype management LW linewidth management UN unit management TH thickness Catch TT temporary tracking point FROM from temporary reference to offset ENDP captures the nearest end of an arc or line MID captures the midpoint of an arc or line The intersection of INT lines, circles and arcs APPINT the intersection of the appearance of two objects An extension of an EXT line, an arc, a circle CEN the center of the arc and center of the circle QUA, the quadrant of an arc or circle The limiting points of TAN arc or circle PER lines, arcs, circles, heavy feet The parallel lines of the PAR lines NOD captures point objects An insertion point for INS characters, blocks, shapes, or attributes NEA nearest point capture Tagging DLI linear marking DAL align callout DOR coordinate dimensioning DDI diameter callout DAN angle callout QDIM quick tagging DBA baseline annotation DCO continuous tagging LE lead callout TOL tolerance marking DLE center mark DRA radius callout CAL calculator Alt+N+Q fast Alt+N+L Linetype Alt+N+G align Alt+N+O coordinate Alt+N+R radius Alt+N+D diameter Alt+N+A angle Alt+N+B baseline Alt+N+C continuous Alt+N+E lead Alt+N+T tolerance Alt+N+M c


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